Things Heard: e278v3
Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 at
1:46 pm
- And the fossil record clearly shows all those mass die offs every time the globe warmed far hotter than it is now, which it has done many times … oops, what do you mean it doesn’t? Hmm. So, then what’s the point of the article?
- A “seems to have forgotten” moment that will likely never again be forgotten by at least one individual.
- Disagreeing with Aristotle (and I think the founders who I suspect agreed with Aristotle).
- Although I think the above post author would agree with this.
- So, do you agree? Was it illegal or just unprincipled?
- Related to the above.
- Cool. (HT)
- And he’d be right.
- A certain running back, back in the news.
- Another person who envies the VA system.
- The press and a prophet.
- Stupid if true.
- Ditto.
- Obamacare and it’s implementation. Hypocrisy?
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