Widespread Adult Stem Cells
Adult stem cells may be more plentiful than we thought.
With the plethora of research and published studies on stem cells over the last decade, many would say that the definition of stem cells is well established and commonly agreed upon. However, a new review article appearing in the July 2014 issue of The FASEB Journal , suggests that scientists have only scratched the surface of understanding the nature, physiology and location of these cells. Specifically, the report suggests that embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells may not be the only source from which all three germ layers in the human body (nerves, liver or heart and blood vessels) can develop. The review article suggests that adult pluripotent stem cells are located throughout the body and are able to become every tissue, provided these cells receive the right instructions.
No need for the ethical minefield that are embryonic stem cells.
Filed under: Doug • Science • Stem Cells
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Suggests is not conclusive. If it were conclusive it would be published in a better journal. Meanwhile, thanks to conservative anti-science preaching, research on intractable diseases continues to be stymied due to limited availability of ESCs.
In other news, the war that conservatives called for (including you) and hammered liberals for opposing has taken another turn for the worse.
Maybe ISIS will find the WMD you insisted were there. No matter what other faux outrageous claims you make about liberal policies or Obama on this blog, nothing compares to your cheerleading for that stupidest and most avoidable disaster in my lifetime. Meanwhile W the deserter paints and Dick the serial draft deferer gives speeches blaming Obama for failing to extinguish the conflagration Dick ignited. Party of personal responsibility, my a–.
If you’ll read some of the articles under “Related posts”, I think you’ll see that this suggestion is being born out; skin and blood are producing stem cells that are, in some cases, almost indistinguishable from embryonic ones. The point is that we already have many sources of stem cells, and this report, yes, “suggests”, that there may be more. We should continue that research and go down that path that would be unencumbered by ethical issues.
As for Iraq, I’m stunned. President Obama said we left Iraq “self-reliant and stable”, and now this? You’re right, we should have left Saddam in power. At least all he did was use chemical weapons on his enemies.