1. Church as a noetic Jeremiah.
  2. “Hope he fails” and a little hypocrisy from the left via cricket races.
  3. Those last moments and eschatological fate.
  4. Time on hand.
  5. Geek chic.
  6. Mean/not mean? I say not.
  7. A look back at a look forward and education.
  8. Zap.
  9. Hmm, will inexperience show up in the comments?
  10. I “vant to suck your … fishy parts?
  11. Paglia on the Rush/Obama kerfuffle.
  12. Cue, “Talk to the Animals”.
  13. Things to do with filters (HT: Swap blog).
  14. Not just a crook. A fool. With some unusual concurrence?
  15. A toast.
  16. Mr Obama as “conditioner”.
  17. Kinda what I said on the popularity of Keynesian economics in politics.
  18. Ooops.
  19. On that “robust” economy (from a comment yesterday) of the 70s and 80s.
  20. Well, I’m firmly in category “B”.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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