The Links
No, not as in golfing. I’m going to be quite busy this week, so blog posts this week will consist mostly of a collection of links that I happen across.
John Mark Reynolds, writing at the Evangel blog, wonders about that prediction that Christians would become a fringe political force if they stuck with their position on same-sex marriage. This after Maine, of all places, upheld traditional marriage. Not mentioned is that the House of Representatives barely squeaked out a health care bill (passing it with only 2 votes to spare) only after a provision was added that prevented abortion from being covered by it. Wasn’t that supposed to be a losing issue, too?
October, 2009 was the 3rd coldest October recorded in the US. Can we officially chuck those computer climate models and just admit we don’t really know what’s going on with climate, and thus should refrain from making pronouncements on what is or isn’t changing it?
Racist graffiti, and Al Sharpton isn’t all over CNN denouncing it? Oh, wait, it’s anti-white graffiti. Well then, nothing to see here.
Attorney General Eric Holder is endorsing extending provisions of the Patriot Act including roving wiretaps. It’s one thing to talk it down when you’re not in the hot seat. It’s another thing entirely when it’s your responsibility, eh?
The European Union, as a whole, could sink underneath the waves of debt very soon, having total debt equaling 100% of its annual gross domestic product. A special commission "discovered" that a major reason is the socialist pensions and healthcare that the government guarantees. And we want to follow them into this whirlpool?
And finally, the legacy of Major Nidal Malik Hasan, and a musing about whether or not political correctness will allow a candid and honest public discussion, or if more people will die at the PC altar.