America Alone
Friday, May 1st, 2009 at
9:06 am
Fertility rate demographics deftly explained…
Tagged with: america alone • fertility rate • mark steyn
Filed under: Culture • Islam • Rusty
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Is this serious? People who put out fearmongering stuff like this are just begging to be mocked and quite possibly be considered racist/elitist.
The Muslims are coming!!
Which is not to say that I doubt the numbers. They may well be accurate. But the answer is not a baby war – to procreate our way to domination. Globally, we have to slow down our population growth.
No matter what your political orientation, we all recognize that this is a finite planet with finite resources. We are approaching 7 billion people on our planet and we’re doing all we can to feed most of them.
Now, you may think 8 billion is the top limit we can support, or you may think it’s 15 billion, but there’s no getting around the fact that we can’t support unlimited growth. That is the philosophy of the cancer cell.
And so, a baby war is not the solution.
The solution, it seems to me, if we’re actually afraid of what a majority muslim world would be like, is to believe in your cause. Conversion, not procreation, is the better answer. And, if you are unable to win folk over – if your ideas and ideals fail in the marketplace of human ideas – well, that’s the way it goes.
Seems to me.
Regardless, fear videos is not the way to deal with this issue, it only makes you look fearful and impotent.
I fail to see any fearmongering in the video.
If you were standing in the middle of a street, and I told you to move, because a car was approaching and, given its current rate of speed and direction, it would plow into you, I would be using the same approach as seen in the video. Current demographics are listed and projections are made. Whether or not someone is scared by it is irrelevant.
Also irrelevant is the total population of the earth or the rate of growth of the total population.
And, yes, conversion is the answer given at the end of the clip.
Dark, moody, music and images. Deep voice warning of the End of Things as We Know It. A Future that seems Disastrous.
Really? This doesn’t just seem silly and goofy-spooky to you?
What if it were the Boy Scouts it was talking about?
“In 1980, there were only 3,000 Boy Scouts in the US. Today… THERE ARE 3 MILLION! The Boy Scouts are growing rapidly because their parents have 2.6 children per family, but Girl Scout families only have 1.1 children. At this rate, Boy Scouts will outnumber Girl Scouts by the MIDDLE OF NEXT YEAR!”
Really? Not even a little bit?
Wow. I can’t see how anyone (even if you were concerned about a growing Muslim population) could not see that this is a fearmongering sort of approach to take.
If you were standing in the middle of a street, and I told you to move, because a car was approaching and, given its current rate of speed and direction, it would plow into you, I would be using the same approach as seen in the video.
Well, that’s perhaps the difference. In your description above, you are talking about a dangerous and deadly event approaching. In the real world, Muslims are people, too, not some calamity about to descend upon humanity. Not some deadly missile heading your way.
Now, being Christian and not Muslim, I have problems with Islam, which is why I’m not a Muslim (or Jewish or an atheist or Southern Baptist). But to describe them in terms of a pending plague DOES sound like fear-mongering.
At least to me.
And that does not seem like the wisest approach to evangelism, at least to me.