An Historic Speech
Sunday, September 27th, 2009 at
7:05 am
Most of the coverage from last week’s meetings at the United Nations focused on leaders of rogue nations. But the most important speech was one given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s a tough speech and one worth watching. It’s also a speech that historians may look back upon years from now as very prophetic. Take time to watch it all.
Tagged with: Benjamin Netanyahu • Iran • United Nations
Filed under: Foreign Policy • Government • Iran • Israel • Middle East • Tom • United Nations
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Indeed Netanyahu’s speech was a profile in courage. Obama’s was a profile in cowardice.
Netanyahu spoke the truth about Iran and the UN. He challenged them to do something concrete about the Iranian nuclear program. He defended his country’s actions in the war last year against Hamas against the moral idiots at the UN.
Obama, on the other hand, did nothing but spout politically correct inanities. The man is stunningly naive, with a child-like view of the world that is breathtaking. He insults his own country again and again. He is more narcissistic than any politician I’ve known. And he is a moral coward because he hides behind politically correct pieties and refuses to address, let alone acknowledge the villains and evil nations in the world.