Friday Link Wrap-Up
I may start doing this more often. I collect links during the week, some I comment on here, and some just languish in Google Bookmarks. But instead of a daily report of links like my co-blogger Mark, I’m going to save it all until the end of the week. This installment will be a bit longer than others since I’ve got some aging links here that really want to see the light of day. So here they are, usually, but not always, in reverse chronological order:
Coattails? What coattails? “Some Democrats on the campaign trail have hit upon a winning campaign tactic: Run against President Obama and his agenda — especially the health care overhaul.”
Seeking asylum in the US for … homeschooling persecution? “A German Christian family received asylum in Tennessee after being severely penalized for illegally homeschooling their children in Germany.” I’ve covered this particular situation before; here, here, here, here, here and here.
California, parts of which are boycotting Arizona for it’s new immigration law, which just enforce existing federal law, should take a look at it’s own lawbooks first. They might find something familiar.
The economic meltdown in Greece should be a wake-up call to politicians of both parties in the US. Otherwise, it may turn out to be, rather, a coming attraction.
ObamaCare(tm) is predicted to increase the crowding in our hospitals’ emergency rooms. “Some Democrats agree with this assessment. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) suspects the fallout that occurred in Massachusetts’ emergency rooms could happen nationwide after health reform kicks in.” But he still voted for this snake oil anyway.
“Economic Woes Threaten Chavez’s Socialist Vision” Only on NPR would this be news. For the rest of this, it’s a redundancy.
Comedy Central stands on the bedrock of free speech and will mock anyone, just as long as there’s no chance of getting beheaded for it. “The show in development, “JC,” is a half-hour about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his “powerful but apathetic father” and live a regular life in New York.”
Green energy falling by the wayside in Europe. Seems the massive subsidies for this alleged cost-saving energy are too much for governments going through financial troubles. Should we (will we) take note?
Filed under: Christianity • Democrats • Doug • Economics & Taxes • Education • Energy • Government • Healthcare • Homeschooling • Links • Politics • Religion • Venezuela
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