Rusty Nails (SCO v. 1)
Back in the day, at my blog New Covenant, I would periodically run a set of posts highlighting various current events or issues at hand, known as Rusty Nails. Similar to Mark’s Things Heard and Doug’s Friday Link Wrap-Up, I’ll be starting up a Stones Cry Out version of Rusty Nails.
I’m looking through you. So, Sir Paul is happy to have a President who knows what a library is? Has Sir Paul become a U.S. citizen or is he simply giving us some unsolicited opinion? Anyway, maybe our current President knows what a library is, but he also thought: we have 58 states, Switzerland has its own language, England and the U.K. are interchangeable, the word “Orion” is pronounced “Ore-EEon”, the U.S. constitution was written 22 centuries ago, the word “corpsman” is pronounced “corpse-man”, and… Please, Paul, stick to singing.
Why do I need to learn math, after all, I’ll NEVER use it! Maybe. Or maybe not. It seems that 20% of borrowers with poor math skills experienced foreclosure, while only 5% of those with strong math skills did.
The inability to perform simple mathematical calculations is likely to negatively impact a borrower’s ability to manage a household budget. In addition, such an inability may adversely affect the borrower’s ability to choose the appropriate type of mortgage given his or her current financial status and expected future financial situation. Both of these scenarios would likely put a borrower at risk of falling behind on his or her mortgage.
Well, then, take a numeracy quiz. Better yet, have your children take the quiz.
What happens when the populace has more guns? 14,000,000 guns sold in the U.S. in 2009.
Tagged with: firearms • foreclosures • gun control • obama • paul mccartney
Filed under: Culture • Democrats • Liberal • Rusty
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Sir Paul seems to have forgotten (or never read it in a library?) Mr Bush’s wife former occupation.
Great point, Mark!
While you’re in your library, check to see if they have a Boy Scout Manual. If so, look up the Scout Law. See what they say about the first point.
You don’t like the president’s language? Go to Harvard, get yourself elected president of the law review, write a couple of best-sellers, and get back to us, okay?
Scout Law says we have 58 states?
My point has to do with how many of the same people who denigrate the likes of Dubya and Palin, as being imbeciles, claim BHO to be some paragon of intelligence.
There’s a difference between a slip of the tongue, as when Obama subtracted two from 50 and got 58, and being genuinely ignorant, as when Palin couldn’t name a single newspaper in Alaska, nor in America.
So, if you’re going to claim Obama is stupid, or ignorant, you need evidence significantly greater than a slip of the tongue. Bush and Palin provided plenty of it.
And you should be ready for a rebuttal. Obama got into Occidental on an academic scholarship, got into Columbia on an academic scholarship and graduated; he performed extremely well on the LSAT and got into Harvard, wrote his way onto the Harvard Law Review and then showed wisdom, wit and outstanding leadership to get himself elected president of the organization. Then he wrote two best-selling books.
Your turn: Has either Palin or Bush demonstrated anything to show smarts? Tell us.
Yes, the pattern does seem to be: if you’re a lib, then it’s a mere slip of the tongue; while if you’re a conservative, then you’re just fat, dumb, and happy.
My meager listing just scratched the surface. If you want to see how eloquent BHO really is, then take away his teleprompter and let him try to wing it on his own.
I’m well aware of his accomplishments… publishing in the legal world NOT being anywhere on the list, or of how he took the hard line to vote “present” so many times, etc.
Accomplishments on paper just don’t cut it, in the real world and, unfortunately for us, we’re already seeing the effects of his utter lack of competence in leading this country.
“Drill, baby! Drill!” written into 100 speeches, printed on placards, put up on the Jumbotron to encourage the crowed, was no slip of the tongue.
Your claim that Obama is teleprompter bound is silly and bizarre. Accomplishments on paper? Palin doesn’t even have those. She resisted ethics reform in Alaska (after making her reputation ratting out another Republican), while Obama took the bull by the horns and passed ethics reform in Illinois.
Since when is publishing law articles a key requirement for anything? President of the Harvard Law Review, is a more important achievement than writing a note. Of course, he also wrote a note. Neither Palin nor Bush ever published anything on their own writing prowess.
Are you really just not up on history, or is this a real, unholy bias on your part?
Now… this is interesting.