Rusty Nails (SCO v. 4)
Well, some of us tried to warn our fellow Americans about Obama’s lack of experience.
“Barack Obama’s incompetence, if indeed he is incompetent, results directly from a flawed political and media process that allowed such a candidate to go forward. It’s a failure of quality control. It’s an indictment of the gatekeepers and of the media in particular. They didn’t look the gift horse in the mouth and now it turns out he’s wearing dentures. It wasn’t President Obama’s fault that he aspired to a job he had no preparation for: a man’s entitled to try for as much as he can get … will you give a billion dollars, please … but only a fool would let him. And the fools in this case would do well not to ask for him to try harder. At some point the only way they can redeem themselves is to stop digging and realize that they, not he, are to blame for this fix.”
I suppose, then, we should re-write our founding documents?
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – the trailer is out.
From the common sense department:
Women in always-intact marriages who worship at least weekly are more likely to have had fewer lifetime sexual partners than those in other family structures who never worship.
Good guy wins another one. Let’s see, another attempted robbery, and another store-owner dispatching the would-be robber. And, again, this one is in Chicago, which means that the individual who engaged in self-defense could face prosecution. As they say, “better to be tried by 12, than carried by 6.”
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Love the Dawn Treader and can’t wait to see how they do. Interesting: In the book, a HUGE part of the plot is Eustace’s whiny nastiness, but there’s not a bit of that displayed in the trailer. I guess it’s just the way they did the trailer, surely they couldn’t/wouldn’t remove that from the movie?
The book has one of my favorite quotes…
“While I can, I sail east in the Dawn Treader. When she fails me, I paddle east in my coracle. When she sinks, I shall swim east with my four paws. And when I can swim no longer, if I have not reached Aslan’s country, or shot over the edge of the world in some vast cataract, I shall sink with my nose to the sunrise and Peepiceek will be head of the talking mice in Narnia.”
~Reepicheep, the Great
And the book has one of my favorite opening lines…
“There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.”
Thanks for reminding me about that opening line – yes, I can see C.S. Lewis chuckling as he wrote it.
From an article I read, those in charge of production seemed to have learned their lesson after deviating from Lewis’ story in Prince Caspian. Pre-screening comments indicate that the Dawn Treader will stay true (or truer) to the way Lewis wrote it. E.g., initially, it was reported that Eustace’ road to redemption was to be self-achieved – but early reviewers cried foul at the blatant (possibly through ignorance) deviation from the Christian approach Lewis took.
It should be an interesting romp, as this volume seems to have quite the fantasy feel.