Good day and good holiday. And … next week I’m off all week … 

  1. For which this seems very apropos.
  2. Talking free will.
  3. Obamacare and medical bankruptcy.
  4. Vows taken.
  5. Hmmm
  6. Link this site (RSS) for news of Belorus and political oppression. Google translate usually kicks in, for me at any rate.
  7. Needing a clue.
  8. Talking about politics more generically.
  9. Xmas in the Balkans … and just East of there as well.
  10. Not-Quite Bike re-purposed.
  11. Stepping around a problem with climate science.
  12. Flee.
  13. Mr Krugman and the “science” of economics.
  14. Change of the inevitable sort.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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