If I Were An Obama Supporter…..
Come November, I intend to cast my vote for John McCain. Like many other conservatives, I’m not terribly happy about having to vote for McCain but I really have no other legitimate choice. But if I were supporting Barack Obama, I would be increasingly worried about my candidate.
Given his recent track record of major flips on a variety of issues, Senator Obama is quickly making John Kerry look like a principled politician. It is becoming clearer by the day that the Senator is willing to do and say anything in order to get elected. It’s not hard to imagine that if Obama wins the election his first two years in office will be marked by a hard tack to the left.
Senator Obama has been able to clinch the Democratic nomination by preaching an ambiguous message of hope and change without delving into much in the way of policy specifics. But as this campaign move into the more serious season he’s going to have to make it clear what he stands for. Otherwise the “Change We Can Believe In” will be his platform that alters direction based on which way the political winds are blowing.
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Given his recent track record of major flips on a variety of issues…
I’m unaware of any major flips. Perhaps you could support this with some specifics?
McCain, on the other hand, has clearly waffled on his positions and on his tack (courting the Religious Right and forsaking his slightly more moderate positions he once held). From abortion, to torture, to campaign reform, he has changed positions and the way he’s promoting himself.
Here’s a list with more details:
Now, I say there’s nothing wrong with changing positions if you were mistaken on a point before. I have less use for political “changes” that are merely to court one side or the other. And that is true for Republican or Dems.
I think a case can be made that Obama has done some of this, but I don’t think a case can be made that he’s done any waffling in the extreme or any more than any candidate who is out trying to court all the people.
Here’s another much longer list of McCain flip flops:
Redstate.org goes through the litany and has a roundtable discussion on the topic. Death penalty, abortion, gun rights, and most recent (and which got the Lefty blog really fired up) FISA.
Some of McCain’s alleged “flip-flops” are indeed reaching out to a larger audience. Some are indeed changes in position. I don’t have time to go over the whole list you link to, but I will notice that it’s the Lefty blogs as much or more upset with Obama’s pivoting as the Righty ones. (See here, here,
here all just recently. I keep up with TalkLeft, and they are really peeved over the flip-flops. And check Kos if you dare.
Dan Trabue is unaware of Obama flips? He must be living in a cave. To wit;
The list is potentially endless.
Unware of any flip flops? What a joke.
A few more
And here’s Obama’s attempt to rewrite the history of his position on the surge
This is just too easy!
Tom, are you reading the same articles that I’m reading in your links??
Your first McCain link (there’s an objective source) does not deal with flip flops at all, but rather questions Obama’s reasoning for certain positions.
The second has no flip flops (although alludes to them in theory) but rather is questioning “WHAT IS his position??”
The third link brings up the FISA change – and that is ONE serious flip flop and one which he is wrong on – and mentions a second sort-of flip flop (the change in public financing position, which is a reasonable change, most of us consider). But nothing else that I see.
The fourth link, similarly, is not really talking about a flip flop but questioning how Obama is explaining his “surge” position.
Seriously, Tom, where are the flip flops?
Too easy? Just because an article contains the word “flip flops” does not mean you’ve proven a point.