"Children, Obey Your Parents." But What If…
I believe that, generally speaking, parents have both the right and responsibility to determine the health care of their minor children. The case of abortion, however, adds a additional life to the equation and makes it more difficult.
A pregnant teenager in Houston, Texas, is suing her parents, claiming that they are trying to coerce her to have an abortion. The 16-year-old, who is reportedly two months pregnant, is being represented by the Texas Center for Defense of Life (TCDL), a pro-life legal organization. For now, the girl and her unborn child are protected by a temporary restraining order, but the battle is far from over.
Here’s a poser: The Bible exhorts children to obey their parents. The parents are telling the child to have a legal medical procedure. As the child, you want to obey your parents, and yet don’t want to abort your baby, both Biblically-based beliefs. There are times when we disobey the civil law to follow the moral law, but these are two moral laws.
Tough decision, but I think I support the 16-year-old. What do you think?
Filed under: Abortion • Christianity • Doug • Religion
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The parents might mean well. But they are pushing for something that will kill their grandchild, and likely harm their daughter psychologically, mentally, and maybe physically. There is even a chance it will kill her, especially if the abortion clinic staff are angered by her obvious hesitation and resistance to having an abortion. It’s easy to cause a lession in the uterine wall, especially if you’re flying blind. If the staff is mad at her, because her attitude threatens their stereotype of abortion being a women’s choice and liberation, or for whatever other reason, they may unconsciously flick the wrist just a little to hard, causing that lession in the uterine wall. Then they fail to give her the proper medical treatment and just let her bleed to death, like Planned Parenthood did to Tonya Reeves last summer. I wouldn’t trust a dog to these people after seeing some of the people they killed.
I support the girl in her right to have her baby. If she can’t take care of it after birth, there’s always adoption.
Thanks. The adoption option is always a good one.