Overcoming Such Unanimity
Ben DeBono is one of the co-hosts of a podcast I listen to, "The Sci-Fi Christian". I have the distinction of having named their alien mascot, "Theo".
Ben is a recent convert to Catholicism, while I am a long-time Protestant. And yet there are commonalties that people tend to ignore too often. He highlighted one of those commonalities in a recent Facebook post.
Here’s a thought experiment for Christians arguing for biblical support of homosexuality and/or homosexuall [sic] marriage:
On the subject of homosexuality theologians as diverse as the Apostle Paul, Augustine, Aquinas, Martin Luther and every other major pre-20th century Christian thinker stand in complete agreement. Such unanimity is all but unprecedented in the tradition. Even a doctrine as fundamental as the Trinity has greater diversity of thought than homosexuality.
Regardless of how you view the authority of tradition, doesn’t such complete agreement deserve to be acknowledged and taken seriously? If you say yes, how can you justify the near complete lack of engagement with the tradition by those arguing for an understanding of Christianity that is pro-homosexuality? Wouldn’t such a drastic change on this issue demand a lengthy and complete engagement with the tradition?
If you say no, how do you justify the implicit claim that your interpretive abilities are superior to 2,000 years of unanimous teaching on this issue – Protestant, Catholic and otherwise?
Ben shows that, over the millennia, smart Christian guys from all over the spectrum, have been unified on this topic. I made a similar point 2 years ago when I noted that the Bible speak of homosexuality 100% negatively, and of marriage 100% heterosexually. I said essentially the same thing, "Ignore all of that collected wisdom at your peril."
The religious Left has been accepting homosexuality as a "non-sin" over the past 40 years, and same-sex marriage as blessed just for the past 10 years or so. Relatively speaking, however, this is nothing compared to the unanimity of the faith for the last 2,000 years. If one is going to throw out 2 millennia of doctrine, you had better have a good argument that a) this is really what the Bible says and b) the other guys were wrong. Yelling "Equality!" is not such an argument.
Filed under: Catholicism • Christianity • Doug • Homosexuality • Marriage • Protestantism • Religion
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I’m honored to make your blog, Doug! I appreciate the angle you took here. Not only is the line of reasoning you and I have both put forth an important argument in the debate, it can also form a wonderful ecumenical bridge between Catholics and Protestants. I’m glad to see that my post has helped to do that
Indeed, we all still need to work together on the many issues we have in common. That was a great post of your regarding giants of the faith and their take on the subject.
It’s too quickly dismissed by those trying to promote what has been considered sin for 2,000 years of Christianity, and thousands more of Judaism.