Things Heard: e305v2
Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 at
9:17 pm
Woo, going home tomorrow night. 14 hours ahead of schedule.
- A self-referential (somewhat hilarious) remark by Ms Clinton. Seriously though she’s right, the left elite should not terrorize the rest of us.
- Higher education and some more self-referential remarks by another left elitist.
- Somewhat in the same vein, an employee becomes an actual loyal employee, when apparently he figures he’s doing something else. Color me confused.
- Who in their right mind thinks it was accidental (or actually lost) … but setting that aside, that brings up the other side of the coin, i.e., those document saving standards they’d like us to keep … well? If y’all can’t do what you force us to do, well … (hack spit) words fail!
- On that same topic, at the end points 1-6 … well only 2 seems right. Five an indictment of the current President. Regarding #4 … there should be lots and lots of copies of those “missing” emails on different, uhm, tapes and servers.
- Dog. Wagged. Just like with Mr bin Laden.
- A story. (HT) 21st century Tinkerbell.
- Some FIFA stats.
- Well, as for the last two panels, the guys you realize are talking about guns, sports, or beer … the girls about, well, people they know. There is a difference (viva la and all that)
- Not mentioned in this list is how many the Ukraine gave up when Clinton assured them the US had their back. Bet you they regret giving them up now, eh?
- In which “they are paid” apparently doesn’t mean “have a job” which it normally would I’d think.
- Germs.
- What is learned from studying history.
- Snowflakes chance you know where of that.
- Dismal indeed.
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