Fighting Back
It’s been a tough week for presidential candidate Herman Cain who has been battling unsubstantiated charges of inappropriate conduct. A Cain super-PAC has decided enough is enough and released this devastating ad today:
It’s powerful stuff. Meanwhile, Mr. Cain is not taking this lying down either. He fought back in his own way and gave liberals new reasons to get their collective panties in a wad:
If Mr. Cain can maintain this optimistic attitude that won him so many fans early on he could be a formidable candidate.
Tagged with: Americans for Prosperity • Herman Cain
Filed under: Conservative • Politics • Republicans • Tom
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“… could be a formidable candidate.” You forgot to add “for the Republican primary” where ignorance is viewed as anti-establishment. Of course in a general election the rest of the electorate will reject a candidate who is so uninformed that he doesn’t know that China developed nuclear weapons almost 50 years ago.
Regarding your main point though, what will you say if any of the now 3 people accusing Cain of sexual harassment comes out publicly? In other words, what would it take for you to consider the multiple accusations as anything but baseless? Or do you think that Cain is qualified to be president even if the charges appear more credible?