So it goes.

  1. Once allies, no longer?
  2. For your inner cowboy. Or outer?
  3. Texas, apparently jealous of Boston has to do “it” bigger. Somebody should tell them Texans that when it comes to bad things, bigger is not actually better.
  4. Gun control and the reasonable middle.
  5. Zoom.
  6. Some bomb tech information.
  7. When the “sharks” are making a marginal profit … seems to me that they are not actually sharks.
  8. In which “can’t” means “won’t” … and 7 of the murder charges remember are for killing “accidentally not killed” late term abortions … an issue for which Obama voted to kill ’em anyhow in Illinois.

Gee I thought I had more saved. …. ah well.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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