Things Heard: e266v3
Wednesday, July 24th, 2013 at
10:01 pm
Good … well, whatever. Links?
- A career suggested.
- Or … addicts don’t stop being addicted after public exposure . Surprise, well, not exactly.
- This brings to mind the science fiction-like novel I’be been plugging, in its consderation of hate. The novel Vita Nostra ultimately connects note hate but the conjunction of love and fear in the context of education.
- Irony in recent Obamacare moves, in which Mr Obama’s very likely Constitutional unilateral decision to not enforce a law is ratified by the House and a veto is threatened.
- Small mammal with impressive spine strength noted.
- Arrest? That seems extreme if was an emergency thing or in a very rural area.
- Pacifism and cinema.
- Grist for the “if he was a black man shooting a white one (hispanic?)” things would have turned out differently mill.
- He blinded me with science.
- Things to appall JSM.
- Ya think there’s some backstory/history going on behind there?
- Headline stating the obvious.
- Oh, he’s likely a racist, just not in the expected way.
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