Archive for March 26th, 2012

Things Heard: e214v1

Good morning.

  1. Observation that the organic natural crunchy ex-hippy/love-love-love movement is also the the one of harsh chemical aborto-facients and the very non-organic act of abortion, which doesn’t make much sense.
  2. A place for the off SCOTUS debate on healthcare.
  3. Tension and the racket.
  4. Recession.
  5. Tacos (pizza next?) by quadra-copter drone delivery.
  6. Democrats like to complain that the GOP has no ideas … odd that, especially when you look at a non-spun list of their notions.
  7. The Zimmerman/Martin kerfuffle.
  8. Patents and software.
  9. Technology.
  10. Inequality and housing.
  11. UK continuing its trend toward … what?
  12. Honor to the fallen, one way.

Heaven meets Earth like a sloppy, wet kiss?

The phrase Heaven meets Earth like a sloppy, wet kiss is found in a song titled “How He Loves” (see full set of lyrics here) which is currently used as a worship song in corporate worship settings. The particular line in question has, understandably, caused quite the controversy in Christian circles with advocates for both its inclusion and exclusion. An alternate version is sometimes used with the offensive portion of the lyric replaced by the words unforeseen kiss. For the purposes of this analysis, HME will refer to Heaven meets Earth, and SWK to sloppy, wet kiss.

As I see it, there are at least three issues with, or related to, this specific lyric:

I – Whether by design or by accident, the intended meaning of the lyric is vague and internally inconsistent. This, despite attempts by John Mark McMillan, the author, to define and explain the meaning of the words he used.

II – Much of the current corporate worship singing methodology, found in the contemporary evangelical church in America, is inconsistent with foundational corporate worship practice. The modern practice, in the West, of interjecting the personal into the corporate, reflects secular influences.

III – Those who hear, read, or sing the song, whom I will refer to as recipients of the  song, readily misinterpret the author’s intended meaning in both the HME and SWK lyrics.

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