Archive for February, 2012

For the Left, Everything’s Political

The breast cancer charity, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, has guidelines as to who it will fund with its money. There were some recent changes, the results of which caused a political firestorm.

Komen said it could not continue to fund Planned Parenthood because it has adopted new guidelines that bar it from funding organizations under congressional investigation. The House oversight and investigations subcommittee announced in the fall an investigation into Planned Parenthood’s funding.

Planned Parenthood has been at the center of a lot of heated political battles lately. Most center on whether the group, as an abortion provider, should receive government funds for other services it provides, such as offering contraceptives and preventive screenings.

For the Left , Planned Parenthood, and abortion in general, is a serious political hot potato that must not be curtailed in the least. So when judging whether or not any action against PP, by Komen or anyone, is reasonable, the first question they ask is…well, they don’t ask questions. It’s just wrong by definition. And also by definition, it’s politically motivated.

Never mind what people or organizations actually say, or that they’re in line with previously enacted guidelines. Nope, doesn’t matter at all. It’s always political.

Obama’s War Against the Church

It’s starting with the Catholic church but it won’t be long before all churches will be targeted. But the Catholic church isn’t going to take this lying down.

The controversy began when the Obama Administration informed Catholic institutions that the new healthcare law requires them to pay for contraceptives. It’s not just birth control pills, either. They are also requiring them to provide the so-called “morning after” pill to anyone who wants them. The Catholic church has responded that the rule violates their teaching and they will not abide by it. In fact, they are calling for parishoners to stand up in civil disobedience. Archbishop Jose Gomez is among those calling for action.

While the first impulse would be to say this is merely a political dispute, it is anything but. This is a salvo in an ongoing war against Christians. Catholics and Evangelicals have an opportunity to band together for the greater good. When you have people of different faiths and political backgrounds come together for a common cause (as can be seen in this video) then you know you have a huge issue on your hands.

On one hand, there is a constitutional crisis that is being brought about by the administration’s actions. Their edict is a clear violation of the First Amendment. For years, liberals have misinterpreted the phrase “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” to mean that the church cannot influence government. But the amendment was worded this way to prevent exactly the sort of action that the administration is taking. Government should not interfere in the affairs of the church. That’s exactly what’s happening here.

But there is another issue at stake. As Elizabeth Scalia put it in her recent article, “With the administration’s decision, the covert culture of death has finally made a truly overt move against the culture of life.” The adminstration has stripped away any pretenses that they were in any way supportive of those of us who strongly believe in life.

This is not simply a controversy involving the Catholic Church. It is part of a larger war against people of faith. It’s also a wake up call to Americans to realize that their country and the rights that we hold so dear are being taken away from them right before their eyes.

Martin Niemoller, founder of the Confessing Church in Germany during World War II, famously summed it up:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

It’s time to stand up against tyranny. It’s time to stand up in civil disobedience to this government. It’s time for change. It’s not about supporting one candidate over another. It’s about standing up for what is right. It’s about standing up for truth. There’s a war on. Are you ready for battle?

Things Heard: e206v4

Good morning.

  1. A spanking good movie … but origins of the day are noted in detail.
  2. Mr Romney’s inelegant phrase regarding the homeless and the liberal caricature of same noted. The strange thing about that is that basically Mr Romney is right. We’re in a recession. The primary problem/fix is not to centered on the addicted and mentally ill, … right.
  3. The left atwitter for about, well, very little.
  4. Three books on Orthodoxy, reviewed.
  5. How to use that welfare gold-mine?
  6. A better measure of unemployment?
  7. Counter expectations on deadbeat spouse statistics.
  8. Atheist journalist getting double facepalm, rightly.
  9. Wishing the risk away, or Mr Obama promises “and a pony too.”
  10. One crucial ingredient to good science, … unicorns!
  11. New stuff for the boys in uniform.
  12. Enemy lists.
  13. Cool.

Things Heard: e206v3

Good morning to all.

  1. So, why blog? One reason.
  2. Stating the obvious.
  3. Boxing and the underside.
  4. So, the term “food stamp Presidents” fits Mr Obama or Mr Bush better? Which do you think the media savants figure fits better? Guess then check.
  5. Oooh, the horror of going through the tests in a pretty standard 40+ physical. Gosh that’s so not very mean. Oddly enough nobody (on the left) seems to take the obvious freedom tack, i.e., the government monopoly on prescription and medication availability is not so necessary in the information age.
  6. Imitation and flattery?
  7. Sea levels and the last century.
  8. The “wants women to not be able to protect themselves” segment of the left, who remains apparently unaware that, for example, concealed carry has zero impact on the number of shooting incidents (or for that matter that range shooting is fun). I was surprised myself to learn that “open carry in bars” does not lead to more shooting. On the other side of the question, it’s not really that surprising a conclusion coming from the guy you can’t figure out whether allowing his own birth was a harm done to him or not.
  9. A city car, how much do you want to bet it won’t be available here?
  10. Tool builders on top.
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