From Russia, With Love

  • Russia taking over Crimea.
  • Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia worried about the same thing happening to them.
  • Russian forces massing on the border of Ukraine.

No, this is not the opening scene of some pre-World-War-2 movie; it’s history from the past couple of weeks. But during the Cold War, Russia had control of all of these under the umbrella of the Soviet Union.

In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan set out to defeat – not just contain, as his predecessors has done, but defeat – the Soviet Union. He succeeded. His detractors said, and continue to say, that he got lucky; that the Soviet Union was going to collapse under its own weight anyway, and it just coincidentally happened on his watch. But Reagan was the first President to actively try to bring it down. That it happened right after this attempt is a cause & effect that is extremely rare in geopolitical affairs. And those he liberated – from places already mentioned as well as Poland and other former eastern Bloc nations – certainly give him that credit. And he did it without causing a nuclear World War 3, which those detractors predicted.

A huge foreign policy success in the 1980s liberated millions and kept them free. Understanding the world as it was – not being afraid of the Soviets, but projecting strength to keep them at bay – set the stage for their downfall. And understanding today’s world as it is, is absolutely required in order to deal with the foreign policy challenges of today. But our current President doesn’t recognize what’s going on right in front of him. Here’s an excerpt from one of the debates he had with challenger Mitt Romney

Read the rest of this entry

New Source of Stem Cells

Your blood.

Scientists at A*STAR’s Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) have developed a method to generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from a single drop of finger-pricked blood ("Human Finger-Prick Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Facilitate the Development of Stem Cell Banking"). The method also enables donors to collect their own blood samples, which they can then send to a laboratory for further processing. The easy access to blood samples using the new technique could potentially boost the recruitment of greater numbers and diversities of donors, and could lead to the establishment of large-scale hiPSC banks.

Imagine a stem-cell bank much like a blood bank. There is truly no need at all to destroy embryos for stem cells. Using blood and skin, the supply is endless.

Things Heard: e294v4n5

Well, 6 day work-week. Woo! Five down, one to go.

  1. Feminists seeking a clue. And a counter opinion from other women here (see esp. #9).
  2. More liberal feminist cluelessness here.
  3. This, on the other hand is what real feminism looks like.
  4. A one liner to live (and vote) by.
  5. Mr Obama’s FDA, screwing things up one day at a time.
  6. Parental obvious observation.
  7. Liberal icon dies. Nobody living or dead has done more to raise the opinion and consciousness of gay social issues than he has. Odd that.
  8. Climate, extreme weather and cost.
  9. Here’s what liberals will ignore or dismiss, and it will cost us all a lot of money.
  10. 8 questions and the Ukraine.
  11. Some Noah cinema thoughts. For my 2 cents, if Noah is seen struggling with the tiller to keep the boat safe against wind and wave … that’s not Noah, that’s Gilgamesh. The Noah and Epic of G. narratives both had a arc-like boat as key elements in the story. The essential difference highlighted by the latter story (Noah) was that Noah’s arc had no tiller, God not man saves is the lesson. So, a litmus test for this film is this the story of Gilgamesh or Noah, is Man or God your source of salvation? You can tell by asking if the boat has a tiller.
  12. Lesson regarding Mr Obama and political speeches. Look at the statement in 2008. Look at the subsequent cuts. The statement in 2008 is a bald faced lie.
  13. Well, if you want proof that the NSA has cracked https. Here it is.
  14. “Humans can …”, hah! Not me! I’m only good for about 6 to 8, well realistically maybe 100.
  15. Horrible headline. What? The Earth gave a hip fake to the Sun and did what? Slipped past the blockers on the left? Riiiiight.
  16. And to end this list for today, something to help you smile.

Things Heard: e294v2n3

Woops, sorry. Missed yesterday.

  1. Government stupidity, example number (big number)+1. Don’t they have, you know, useful things to do with our money?
  2. Explaining one of the recent Obamacare court challenges.
  3. Liberals seem to not a fans of “pass it so we can find out what’s in it” either.
  4. Fun with art.
  5. This headline made me wonder if there is a hockey player with a name almost but not exactly Fermion.
  6. A lesson for you parents who try to tell your kids Santa isn’t real (hint: he is real).
  7. That squares with my intuitions on that.
  8. Pre-information age org-chart.
  9. Bureaucrats should be shot more often for malpractice.
  10. I’ll be we all know colleagues like that.
  11. Liberal icon rips women and minorities for not cracking books open and studying hard, … oh wait.
  12. And come to think of it …. examine some of those assumptions.
  13. Yikes.
  14. That “historic” drought in Southern California. Odd that same years they had their previous drought years the Midwest had record cold and snow. Hmmm.
  15. Interesting.

Things Heard: e294v1

Ok. ‘Nother week, ‘nother dollar

  1. Mr Obama’s sanctions invoke replies, such as this and this. Few typically note that we are using Russia for supply lines to Afghanistan operations when they remark on the weakness of said sanctions.
  2. Purple-ness brings to mind the Bulwer-Lytton contest, which if I was more clever I’d know when the 2014 results were to be out … and if I was even more clever I’d enter.
  3. Gosh, lots of uses for this, few of the licit or moral.
  4. Chicago and St. Patrick’s Day.
  5. Yah, if you believe that, we’ve got submarine pens in Arizona to sell you.
  6. This book looks interesting.
  7. That “more open” Presidency, yet another promise not kept, eh?
  8. Insanely cool … and he’s right.
  9. A modern analogy for Lent.
  10. Solzhenitsyn and the Crimea. Last night I had a chat with a Romanian friend. He put a large part of the onus on Yeltsin, for drunkenly allowing the “split up” to follow Stalin’s division of state boundaries and not suggesting regions work it out for themselves or to use more rational historical/ethnic boundaries. The Crimea just an outworking of Stalin’s assigning the Crimea (vast majority Russian, some Tartar, and finally Ukrainians) to Ukraine. Errors along the southwest boarder with Moldavia, Ukraine and Romania were mentioned as well.
  11. Our liberal teaching establishment, getting the hind end foremost.
  12. The other side of being part of GM, i.e., Government Motors. But the government won’t be to blame just as they skipped out on the BP disaster. It’s always the other guy’s fault, except when you are in a extremely regulated industry it’s the ultimately the watcher’s fault.

Things Heard: e293v4


  1. Regarding Mr Obama’s latest cunning jobs plan.
  2. Something to keep in mind regarding “putting pressure on Russia”.
  3. Oh. I see. Never mind.
  4. Not. A. Science.
  5. Someone not following the football/concussion discussion.
  6. If they don’t know, how exactly is the IRS going to assign penalties?
  7. There’s a cute instrument.
  8. So, apparently, a New York paper released a map of gun owners. Texas follows suit.
  9. They know they are precursors because they found their fossilized plane tickets.
  10. Your RNA on/off switch discovered.
  11. This is the part of Jules Verne’s Voyage to the Center of the Earth that was overlooked in the cinematic renditions, all the participants had gills. Mr Verne forgot that that water, unlike air, is in-compressible.
  12. Yikes.

Things Heard: e293v3


  1. Don’t end it, fold spindle and mutilate.
  2. Some grist for when feminists praise prostitution, ’cause they do.
  3. Politics would be more appropriately garbed.
  4. Journalism and some thoughts on cuddling with monsters.
  5. Efficient? At what?!
  6. The starlet and responsibility.
  7. Immoral use of highway law.
  8. So, the question arises, is that the pro-abortion fringe … or is it mainstream.
  9. Dads.
  10. Yet another person who needs to read the Gulag Archipelago.
  11. Bubbles are complicated.
  12. Bars in thar woods.

Things Heard: e293v2

Woo. Two days in a row. Cooking with, err, steam?

  1. Some grist to counter Che chic. And what looks like a good book for the inbox to boot.
  2. Speaking of the inbox, here’s another.
  3. Two posts on freedom of speech, here in the US it is apparently falling out of favor and in Russia where one thinks the press has little freedom, this might be a counter-example of that notion.
  4. project.
  5. I wonder at the use of the adjective “hopeful”. Not what comes to mind for me at least.
  6. Zap, snarf snarf.
  7. This post brings to mind the remark I noted by Mr Schraub a few weeks ago that government was uniquely situated to act fairly. Yah, right.
  8. They should eliminate Asian quotas for schools, five years after the elite schools become 60+ percent asian … the majority whole slacker student attitudes would do some disappearing. Do us all some good.
  9. Yah, that makes sense. Historically speaking that means, they would be seeking damages from West African nations, Spain, and the Dutch.  Good luck on that.
  10. Apropos of the above.
  11. Cheap but cool.
  12. Fracking did not drive Texas economic boom.
  13. No reason I can think of.
  14. Which means it probably isn’t true.
  15. The administrations remains stuck on stupid.

Behind the Curtain of Macro-Evolution

Professor James M. Tour is a highly-credentialed chemist, and a Christian. Check this link for the list, and for his contention that there is no scientist alive today who understands macro-evolution. Tour, of course, comes at this from a chemical point of view, and has no idea how something like that can happen at the molecular level. He’s asked over and over for someone to explain it to him, but so far no takers.

In an article about an insider’s view of the National Academy, he explains the situation behind the curtain.

Let me tell you what goes on in the back rooms of science – with National Academy members, with Nobel Prize winners. I have sat with them, and when I get them alone, not in public – because it’s a scary thing, if you say what I just said – I say, “Do you understand all of this, where all of this came from, and how this happens?” Every time that I have sat with people who are synthetic chemists, who understand this, they go “Uh-uh. Nope.” These people are just so far off, on how to believe this stuff came together. I’ve sat with National Academy members, with Nobel Prize winners. Sometimes I will say, “Do you understand this?”And if they’re afraid to say “Yes,” they say nothing. They just stare at me, because they can’t sincerely do it.

I was once brought in by the Dean of the Department, many years ago, and he was a chemist. He was kind of concerned about some things. I said, “Let me ask you something. You’re a chemist. Do you understand this? How do you get DNA without a cell membrane? And how do you get a cell membrane without a DNA? And how does all this come together from this piece of jelly?” We have no idea, we have no idea. I said, “Isn’t it interesting that you, the Dean of science, and I, the chemistry professor, can talk about this quietly in your office, but we can’t go out there and talk about this?”

If you understand evolution, I am fine with that. I’m not going to try to change you – not at all. In fact, I wish I had the understanding that you have.

But about seven or eight years ago I posted on my Web site that I don’t understand. And I said, “I will buy lunch for anyone that will sit with me and explain to me evolution, and I won’t argue with you until I don’t understand something – I will ask you to clarify. But you can’t wave by and say, “This enzyme does that.” You’ve got to get down in the details of where molecules are built, for me. Nobody has come forward.

The Atheist Society contacted me. They said that they will buy the lunch, and they challenged the Atheist Society, “Go down to Houston and have lunch with this guy, and talk to him.” Nobody has come! Now remember, because I’m just going to ask, when I stop understanding what you’re talking about, I will ask. So I sincerely want to know. I would like to believe it. But I just can’t.

Now, I understand microevolution, I really do. We do this all the time in the lab. I understand this. But when you have speciation changes, when you have organs changing, when you have to have concerted lines of evolution, all happening in the same place and time – not just one line –concerted lines, all at the same place, all in the same environment … this is very hard to fathom.

He does not claim the Intelligent Design label because:

I do not know how to use science to prove intelligent design although some others might. I am sympathetic to the arguments on the matter and I find some of them intriguing, but the scientific proof is not there, in my opinion.

He is searching for the scientific proofs, but for macro-evolution, they just aren’t there, and no one in academia can provide them.


No doubt, this is fallout from the Kermit Gosnell incident.

The Arizona Daily Sun reports the ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ or HB2284 pro-life bill has passed through the Arizona state House by a 34-22 vote on Tuesday. This came after an hour of debate on whether legislation is needed to make unannounced inspections at abortion clinics.

The Center of Arizona Policy states abortion clinics are the only health care institutions in Arizona that the Department of Health Services (DHS) can’t immediately inspect when a violation is believed to have occurred. In order to have an inspection, a warrant must be obtained by government authorities. In addition after a clinics initial inspection when licensed and follow-up inspection a year later, no further inspections are mandated for the next two years.

This is most certainly not a “restriction” on abortion or the availability thereof. It’s simply protecting women from unscrupulous abortion providers, and brings them in line with other health care institutions.

Vocabulary Bleg

So, in Sunday’s service (St. Basil Liturgy now that we are in Lent) the phrase “God is [..] adorable” appeared. The word “adorable” in its original meaning actually came from Christian contexts meaning “worthy of adoration” but now mostly is applied to small mammals meaning “very cute”. “Oh, he’s so adorable” is not usually applied to God but to kittens, small seals, and babies.

Which brings to mind the question, is there a word in English that means “worthy of adoration”? If so what is that word?

I think “venerable” has gone through a similar degradation, and similarly I don’t know a word meaning “worthy of veneration” in the English language.

Do you?

Things Heard: e293v1

Well, I’m back to exercising regularly, and when I added the Clean Week (first week of Lent) services-every-night to my schedule, blogging went south. Which means it is likely that Holy week will suffer similarly at this spot. Links are backed up. So … without further ado

  1. One post on the Ukraine.
  2. Moral lessons for other countries in similar situations.
  3. A question posted to the left of the aisle.
  4. At hourly wages … that’s a lot of money for little business. In the “real world” they’d be bankrupt. Alas, they’re working for the government so the bankruptcy is just moral.
  5. And for their anticipated not-profits, a 5 billion dollar bailout already planned.
  6. Heh.
  7. This is not “a truly appalling story”, if true, a whole passel of school administrators should be rotting in jail after having the crap beat out of them. If I was that girl’s father, I’d be on the warpath with my new life’s purpose to ruin the lives of a bunch of idiot.
  8. Speaking of which, a little more “taking of law” in to own hands leads to this nonsense.
  9. Creativity? or not.
  10. homily.
  11. An anti-drug campaign.
  12. Drones, fun for everyone.
  13. Blech!
  14. A dad grows up.
  15. On death panels.
  16. An unintended consequence of Obamacare, many more doctors running for the opposition party.
  17. So, the IRS scandal “nothing to hide” which is why emails are not being passed on and Ms Lerner (having been fired) takes the fifth.
  18. Tech and teaching.

The Delaying Game

Great line by James Taranto, summarizing the latest ObamaCare delay: "If you like your plan, and your state insurance commissioner likes your plan, and your insurance company likes your plan, you can keep it, possibly until after the next presidential election."

How blatantly political.

Things Heard: e292v1n2

So, Lent has begun (and will begin tomorrow for y’all in the West … and some suggestions). I would suggest for any in the Western tradition would be, in the next few days (through Thursday night) to look up a local Orthodox parish and see if they are doing the Canon of St Andrew (in English). Nothing exemplifies the spirit of Lent more than that service.

  1. So, the Ukraine is in the news. Alas for the administration as noted here and noted here.
  2. Guns in Crimea. One of the interesting things I learned reading this book, was that the “Charge of the Light Brigade” contrary to popular conceptions was not the failure it was pretended to be.
  3. More we can learn from the Crimea.
  4. Whales, not Wales, and the significance of “White”.
  5. Global warming, 17 years and counting.
  6. Walmart and Logistics.
  7. Them beaches.
  8. Noting the obvious.
  9. Folding tech.
  10. Hammurabi and Middle Eastern Courts.
  11. Archaeology and tooth decay.
  12. For Christians allergic to, uhm, Christian tradition. Why invent “31” days?
  13. So, why complain about gay marriage, marriage is already broken?
  14. Well, one “time to stop correcting” it is when “it” is grammatically correct.
  15. For the Palin fans.
  16. Publish or perish, or perish the thought?

Hollywood "Tea Partiers" (Sort of)

“A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged by reality”, so the cliché goes. Well, if only it were that easy. Usually, they stay liberal.

Take Hollywood, please. This bastion of liberalism is now trying to get lower taxes to bring business back to California. Turns out that high tax rates have been pushing filmmakers out of the Golden State, into other states that don’t take as much of your gold.

The result is job loss there, and gains in states like Louisiana and North Carolina, with more business-friendly policies. The group Film Works has started a petition to have taxes cut on the filmmaking industry to bring back those jobs and economic development.

Now let’s see; high taxes push out business, and the solution is to cut taxes in order to jump start the economy and bring jobs back. If I didn’t know better, I’d say these folks were prime candidates for inclusion in the Tea Party. But of course, I do know better. One would hope that, seeing this economic reality mugging them, these Hollywood liberals would realize that this works for other industries, or the state as a whole. One would hope.

But hold not thy breath.

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