Mark O. Archives

Things Heard: e277v1-3

Well, Hi there.

  1. Bees and a man.
  2. Rape and India.
  3. Microclimate accuracy and the global data sets. (not unrelated).
  4. Facebook … or at least faces.
  5. Worser and worser.
  6. So, Christians think some guy is God. How’d (when?) did that occur.
  7. speech. Better than the highly partisan post shooting speech our knucklehead-in-chief gave.
  8. Who to save (after Galois, Ramanujan, and Mosely)?
  9. Evagrius. One of those whose writings prompted me to cross the Bosporus.
  10. Risk and vocation.
  11. Because we don’t care to bequeath to our children.
  12. Oh, pshaw. Consider possibilities of Klein bottle  noodles. Eat your solitons … how about fried eggs shaped as Siefert surfaces.
  13. And for a wrap … just hush.

Things Heard: e272v4


  1. Belorus hard man and age defeats youth.
  2. The exceptionalism gambit turned.
  3. And that same essay through other eyes.
  4. Criminals and crime.
  5. Speaking of which, … how about in verse?
  6. Memory and charity. Our parish had a memorial liturgy to remember.
  7. Acting ability noted.
  8. That’s a request that should be ignored.
  9. Another version of realpolitik.
  10. Gas methods

Things Heard: e272v3

Woo. Three days in a row … and three and a half weeks to go and busy busy busy season might be over (except for the clean up).

  1. Guns and the racist race baiting left.
  2. Here’s a likely suggestion (with material to back it up) … the biggest NSA problem has been journalists and the FISA court judiciary. Another question that came to me is if NSA has cracked https … banking is not secure … and how much money has been stolen?
  3. On the other hand, there is likely good fallout from the NSA kerfuffle, to whit codes are always easier for the code users than the breaker from a computability standpoint. Piss off the crypto-crowd and the encoding standards will be computationally safe in the next round.
  4. ’cause there’s no there there, allegedly … but if that’s the case, why hide?
  5. The way of winning that was left to non-sprinters like me, but rarely ever got … ’cause I sort of sucked.
  6. Three words and the pretty much empty set of people who know the meaning of all three (I was not one of those who knew those words, btw).
  7. Philosophy.
  8. Teuthidian tech.
  9. Mr Obama’s speech summed up from the left.
  10. A question raised by the same.
  11. Explaining the non-existence of philosophers teaching ethics.

For 9/11

  1. A tweet noted.
  2. photo.
  3. Lyrical.

Things Heard: e272v2


  1. For the time traveling Obama (not?) fan. (Tip ‘o the hat)
  2. Truth to power, 4th century style.
  3. Racism and hate crimes.
  4. Grist for the abortion debate.
  5. A good idea noted in the sporting world.
  6. How did it happenElysium suggests lax immigration policies … although factors leading to the fall of the two parent household and the rise in divorce figure greatly.
  7. Syrian notes from the guy who predicted the Russian response several days before it happened.
  8. A dog with a drinking problem. Glub glub.
  9. Some damn fine sports reporting.
  10. Of interest.
  11. For the Biden home defense network.
  12. Infrastructure spending.

Things Heard: e272v1

A week in the middle … the last few weeks big push is over … and I’m in cleanup mode for traveling to Alabama next week and the next push.

  1. Jesus’ maternal grandparents noted.
  2. Badum, bing.
  3. I’m missing where this is a problem.
  4. This is not unrelated.
  5. Zombies and brainz.
  6. Hum drum home drone.
  7. A book list.
  8. A fistful of (not dollars) but something else mindful of dirt.
  9. The last frame is the kicker.
  10. A teaching method with results.
  11. A question, the answer … ambition.
  12. A question regarding  Syria.
  13. A protestant (I think) sees an Eastern Paschal celebration.
  14. Not just one “red line” in the Middle East.
  15. Israel not the only frakking country in the Middle East either.
  16. Three essays on Syrian intervention: here, here and here.
  17. On scientific malpractice.

Things Heard: e271v1n2


  1. Some Olde English history.
  2. How to ride heroically.
  3. Angry parent doesn’t think about what they are doing.
  4. Biological diversity and human ability.
  5. Alas, the cost of moving, fiscal and psychic is so so very high … or not. Regardless, sounds good.
  6. Frodo for President.
  7. Amuzing.
  8. STEM shortage.
  9. Who is at fault?
  10. Yikes.
  11. Limited liability means what?
  12. And why is this not completely obvious?
  13. One reason why not to bomb Syria.

Things Heard: e270v4


  1. Recounting Mr Obama’s shifting sands and the Middle East. Even if you don’t know what we should vis a vis Egypt and Syria, what we did do remains amazingly stupid.
  2. Speaking of Syria … somebody needs to update their RSS/news feeds, ’cause that criteria touches not a single comment on the matter that I’ve read anywhere.
  3. Oh, welcome back Mr Schraub … even if you abandon the Constitution in the name of defending it. A fourth of the colonies at the time of ratification felt that “Freedom” meant the authority to make local decisions about how to order their life (reference, “New England folkway and the section on “Freedom ways” in Abion’s Seed by David Hackett Fisher). My guess is that Mr Schraub knew that because he has a keen interest in American political history, so he has to have read that seminal book. It seems incoherent to argue that what is meant by freedom held by a quarter of the founding population is actually not Constitutional.
  4. Slick gun tech.
  5. For your failing memory, future promise.
  6. Killing “to make a statement” seems on its face unethical. Yes or no?
  7. Epic fantasy ranked. I’d move #3 up … possibly to the top. I’d move down #4 … don’t know how far. #17 shouldn’t even be on the list, it was so bad.
  8. Uh, what the heck?!
  9. This not news, guy works at spy agencies … and, erhm, spies.
  10. That. Is. Amazing.
  11. Discussing racism.

Things Heard: e270v2n3

Still busy, but trying to make time for y’all

  1. Bzaaaap!
  2. Hmmm, two ways to go on that … yes censuring both is in order, but only one was a family hour/children’s TV hostess/actress.
  3. Here, however, is a third way you probably haven’t considered.
  4. “I have not yet made a decision” and the subtext is that we all remember “I’m the guy who spent knew for 9 months where Bin Laden and it took all that time for me to make up my mind to go after him.” Somebody should remind him, not to draw a do not cross line if it is just a bluff. Like the bin Laden attack, we’ll have to wait for a wag-the-dog domestic prompt to get us to move.
  5. Related to the above. So, prior to being elected President, Mr Obama was firmly against Presidential unilateral military action, now he’s for it (indeed done it). Stupid or evil (that is, was he so dumb he didn’t anticipate reasons for doing so, or was he lying when he said he was against it?) Liberals keep telling how smart they are, which alas, leaves the “evil” alternative.
  6. I think this belief noted (that racism is the motive) is common on the left. It remains interesting (ironic?) that that assumption is itself  the essence of bigotry.
  7. Guns and legal control. Back when I was in school, a very good cartoon was on a door in our dorm … “People don’t kill people, Toasters kill people.” with the image of a guy falling down dead with toast impaling his back and another holding a toaster like a mortar.
  8. Noble cause corruption” isn’t noble but it is indeed corruption.
  9. Chemicals to leave for the professionals.
  10. Academic potential.
  11. Who done it?
  12. A short way from surrealism is hyper-realism, both I will admit to liking.
  13. A mistake I’ve made.

Things Heard: e270v1

Good morning.

  1. Foreign policy excuses.
  2. Coming to the dance, and darn it all, but someone else has the same dress.
  3. And then … have a cup.
  4. Oddly enough, I have an LED bulb in my bathroom because it is brighter than the incandescent (the fixture limits because of heat to 60 watts, I put a liquid cooled LED 75+ watt equivalent which draws under 20 watts … and voila … more light than ever).
  5. Them folx are serious about their drinking (and avoiding taxes).
  6. Wow.
  7. Syria and gas … and who dun it … so cui bono? Al Qaeda or an equivalent?
  8. Sweets and athletes.
  9. Anti-Semitism as proof of the devil.
  10. Rape and vigilantism.
  11. One explanation
  12. Luxury and academe.

Not What He Meant, But True Nonetheless

Mr Taranto highlighted a Yglesias post in which Mr Yglesias opines against educational meritocracy. Mr Yglesias is wrong in assuming that “white people” would have problems with Asians getting more places in higher education based on their higher grades and test scores. I offer myself as one white person who sees nothing at all wrong and a lot right with more people with better grades and test scores regardless of the color of their skin getting into the better schools. Furthermore he concludes:

But rather than dedicating the most resources to the “best” students and then fighting over who’s the best, we should be allocating resources to the people who are mostly likely to benefit from additional instructional resources.

I wholeheartedly agree. We should allocate more of our educational resources to those who are most likely to benefit from additional instructional resources. Who are those people most likely to benefit? We call them the gifted students (at least those gifted students who are also willing to work hard).

Things Heard: e269v2n3


  1. Now there’s an amusing analogy.
  2. The scandalanche.
  3. Christianity.
  4. And the same as above, just very early.
  5. Stimulus not stimming.
  6. OK, then, but even if statistically sound, it won’t change anyone’s positions today.
  7. Where you go when you don’t have a sound argument.
  8. Or one of these.
  9. If one was racist, oddly enough … I’d think that the Democrat’s pet race/economic policies would be exactly what I’d support, e.g., aff action, pc speech suppression, and so on.
  10. Ages of famous men in a remarkable time.

Things Heard: e269v1

Busy busy.

  1. A book is noted.
  2. Public works art is often regrettable.  Or should that be normally?
  3. Marriage” !?? … child abuse by any other name is … still.
  4. Doing the damning with faint praise to the max.
  5. Education and Poverty.
  6. Consequences of raising minimum productivity bounds.
  7. 5 years of blogging … gets results.
  8. Ah, memories of high school reading habits.
  9. Well, to be honest a lot of the knowledge brought West reportedly from Islam came from sacking Constantinople.
  10. Feeding the wrong wolf.

So … do you like puns?

Things Heard: e268v4

Good morning.

  1. Fiction and the White House.
  2. Obamacare bungling continues apace.

And .. I deleted too many recent links so .. from earlier this week ..

  1. About time, literally.
  2. Drink, drank, drunk.
  3. Brings to mind the first paragraph of Anna Karenina, eh?
  4. Given not taken.
  5. #1 daughter and my, ahem #1 (and only) wife, are seeing this tonight. I wish I could be there.
  6. Spam as policy?

Things Heard: e268v3

Good morning.

  1. Dumb? Well, if “not remembering to exhaustively look up every term you use casually is dumb” (or using twitter at all), then yes.
  2. Well, correlation is not causation … but on the other hand the Cemocrat impulse to note (or overlook) the correlation and infer the opposite as cause  is even more wrong.
  3. A consequence of being Jewish on marriage, i.e., view essentially as a contract.
  4. Onion-ish, except it’s not fiction.
  5. Some suggestions for big Pharma. Of course, the policy take away is that one good way to remove the high level of caution would to remove some of the legal risks.
  6. On secular celibacy (HT)
  7. Open systems, of a sort, and why light security interfaces on your pacemaker remain a really horrible idea.

Things Heard: e268v2

Good, well, day.

  1. Help or harm?
  2. The other third who are ag’in it are college administrators and Democratic politicians, and journalists. Recall yesterday’s equal protection quotes from Mr Jackson.
  3. Perhaps confusing anesthesia with the agents blocking the formation of long term memory.
  4. The carbon-is-bad crowd is surely very excited about developments like this. If they aren’t they are very confused (or hypocrites).
  5. The important funding for healthcare is of course, the perks for the big wigs. Some things never change.
  6. Given that the “Hebrew OT” used in many modern translations was collected in the 9th century AD and the Greek OT (Septuagint) was tranlated in the 3rd century BC by 70 (many?) rabbis … the calls of which was more “genuine” get somewhat confused.
  7. Politicians lie. Constantly.
  8. Yikes.
  9. A really strong argument against the wisdom of ACA/Obamacare. (see #5 above and perks).
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