Mark O. Archives

Things Heard: e272v1


  1. So. Lie?
  2. Awesome for some, somewhat ridiculous for others.
  3. There’s gold in them thar hills, which is the crux of the problem.
  4. Privacy.
  5. Skill and tech.
  6. Progress, not.
  7. It may be a design flaw, but it’s also a design requirement because the designers can’t allow the average person to see how much of a better break others … and how to game his own response to get the same break.
  8. ‘Cause it’s important we screen Ms Merkel’s calls for her connections to terrorist cells.
  9. No lions, not problem … apparently.
  10. I sincerely hope that ‘s a typo. The quote “page 230 … of a speech” should never be seen. Nobody should talk for 230 pages straight. Ever.
  11. In the real world, when experiment fails to be in accordance with theory, the theory is suspect. In the dismal science, it’s not so.
  12. Yet another climate prediction (more and bigger large storms) falls by the wayside.
  13. Someone fails to realize “rewards spending” is not the principal function of the bank.

Moving on (ward)

  1. Gosh, the distinction of are you a “body with a soul” or a “soul with a body” seems to me a lot like is “that a particle or a wave”. Why isn’t both the default answer?
  2. Obfuscating the young.
  3. From an IT perspective,
  4. Sounds like interface problems galore.
  5. A core liberal fallacy along the lines of “if we all just talked about stuff and emphathized more” there’d never be war and conflict rears its head. Sorry, you can be as reasonable and empathetic as you want … Hitler (or Stalin or the modern equivalent) won’t.
  6. Not understanding the whole public servant thing apparently.
  7. Geesh, I’m in my 50s. I thought that would be my likely retirement age, my kids .. who knows. Probably 80 or 90, eh?
  8. Cinema.
  9. Heh.
  10. An essay, the like of which we should probably see more. We fear death because we avoid it or is it the other way around?

Things Heard: e271v3


  1. Cancer.
  2. A chant at a sporting event.
  3. Property rights and theology.
  4. They don’t just try to turn elections by biasing their audits. They also lie and cheat.
  5. Seems like the last sentence of the first paragraph says, “and you should ignore this paper.”
  6. A problem for the left.
  7. A year of living dangerously? Or a lifetime?
  8. Small screen and large screen.
  9. Another small screen suggestion here.
  10. I’m not buying the freedom of speech thing. Lots of employment options limit speech. If you want a job with the restrictions then live by the restrictions.
  11. Drones.
  12. Heh.
  13. Foreign policy reboot.
  14. Naked! (SFW)

Nuff said, err, linked.

Things Heard: e271v2


  1. The (unintentional?) parody Obama created (or approved) returns to haunt.
  2. ATF in the news.
  3. My suggestion was indulgences.
  4. Pedagogy.
  5. An account of an Evangelical who crossed the Tiber.
  6. Hollywood Austin, apparently channels Bronte instead of being faith to Jane.
  7. Two women named Martha.
  8. Is it an order of magnitude or just half of that?
  9. More than what? Not a good description. Some of the more colorful terms from Heartbreak Ridge come to mind.
  10. So, was Mr Obama ignorant or lying?
  11. How about Mr Krugman?
  12. Democrat (not) keeping it classy. That’s gotta be embarrassing.
  13. Employment, actually when I read this my first thought was, those people with those figures, my wife has raised our kids for almost two decades. I’d say she’s been gainfully employed the entire time. Would they?
  14. My curiosity is piqued.

Some Short Thoughts

  • Those who think or write that the Washington DC football team’s name “Redskins” needs to be changed are the modern equivalent of those in the 13th century buying indulgences. Sporting team names are pretty far down on the actual list of problems in the daily life of indigenous Americans, drug abuse, alcoholism, poverty, suicide and so on. Those are issues much higher. Seems to me if you actual cared one whit about the native American you’d be acting on real issues not pretend ones. (for extra credit, cite last time you heard the term redskin used as a derogatory racial epithet. If you, like me, never have … gosh perhaps it isn’t actually a derogatory racial epithet).
  • Continuing that theme, of modern indulgences. The Redskin thing is a racial/racism indulgence or guilt expiation.  It is interesting to note that those same people who are pretending at concern for Native Americans with the Redskin thing are the same ones punting for SSM … what sin is that indulgence paying for?
  • On the other side of the coin (those against SSM), just remember “Jesus came to save sinners, of whom I am first.” Gays can’t destroy marriage as thoroughly as heterosexuals are doing right now.
  • One hard fast rule of Internet punditry to remember, there is always, yes always, someone smarter than you, better informed than you, and better in whatever way you can imagine who disagrees rationally and logically with that strongly held opinion of yours. So the next time you call someone an idiot or stupid because they hold an opinion (especially political or religious) different than you, remember that.
  • American politicians should play more Go than Chess. A paradigm intrinsic to Chess is forking, putting the opposition into a corner where he only has two bad choices. Go’s fundamental paradigm by contrast teaches you how to quickly recognize a losing position and moving elsewhere.

Things Heard: e271v1

Good, well, whatever.

  1. Peter principle in practice.
  2. Baby Bunting Boo-boo. My view is that the Son will judge and he will judge rightly, which is enough for me. How he will judge? Dunno.
  3. My faith teaches the Christian life is summed up in the goal of acquisition of the Holy Spirit … how that figures into this little phrase … I don’t know. Which is your first clue that it is heading in the wrong direction.
  4. Geeky game for girls (and boys).
  5. Making equines to elephants has nothing to do with these two notions of equality and opportunity.
  6. Race.
  7. Failure.
  8. demographic question.
  9. Putting global warming in historical context.
  10. film.
  11. Fast.
  12. Markets in everything.
  13. Geometry and the bulb.
  14. Heh.

Things Heard: e270v5

Good morning.

  1. A non-cowboy (or a man who’s word is not trusted) in charge and consequences.
  2. Faith and unbelief.
  3. WWII memorial shutdowns and a photo-essay. Apparently manning barricades was less expensive than janitorial services. I’m not convinced.
  4. Milk now costs more than gasoline, a facet to consider when reading this quote on price indices and inflation.
  5. “Great news”.
  6. Debt and the rolling pin.
  7. Apparently “millenials” all either live in cities with awesome mass transit or are unemployed …  or perhaps only those polled.
  8. A smarter, uhm, land-mine of sorts.
  9. I’d like to hear those advocates of affirmative action in schooling explain the need for capping Asian student populations. ‘Cause you know, Asians run everything in this country, look at how they dominate everything in the beltway and wall street.
  10. Rape. Meet not-Rape.

Things Heard: e270v3


  1. NPR crosses a fence.
  2. Can’t be fixed, toss it.
  3. Above the law, not.
  4. Cuteness.
  5. Maybe, maybe not, probably will apply far more in your future healthcare experience.
  6. Rocks.
  7. Disasters help schools?
  8. I’d say so.
  9. Getting older?
  10. Happy now?

Things Heard: e270v2

Not morning, but still … got it done.

  1. I’m unclear on this strategy. In most “shutdowns” people do less. In this shutdown they actively do more work than normal. I mean seriously why do stuff like this … oh, wait.
  2. In a State with a high population of those for which it was targeted … signed up -> zero.
  3. Sex and display and pressure.
  4. Killer joke or joke killer?
  5. Something to remember the next time a Democrat bloviates about needing that access to guns is the solution. It isn’t.
  6. Standards and sticking to them.
  7. Those seven really really active effective al-Qaeda left in Afghanistan.
  8. Doublethink.
  9. Teaching and metrics.
  10. Tactics.
  11. How to do customer support.
  12. Uhm, people aren’t “rushing into” the CEO business because giving up your life for work 24/7 and jumping on a continuous work treadmill isn’t what most of us want to do.
  13. Getting well.

Things Heard: e270v1

Good morning.

  1. Biplane trainers at the tail end of the Pacific war.
  2. Slavery, modern.
  3. Sounds like an Israeli mistake, sending over 10’s of thousands of concrete construction slabs and not realizing how many are disappearing.
  4. Free will.
  5. Cost and higher education, here and here.
  6. The final point is good, if the “Redskins” are bad ’cause they are insulting to some … how about “Fighting Irish”, which too can be taken as an ethnic slur.
  7. Goals.
  8. Barricade relocation to White House … two views here and here.
  9. Obama and counter-terror operations.
  10. Huff puff.
  11. A long post considering Russia and the US.
  12. Beltway discord.
  13. Structural discord.

Things Heard: e269v3

Good morning.

  1. Body and the Christian life.
  2. Not unrelated to the above.
  3. A question not asked.
  4. Of bigotry and hatred.
  5. The science of winning a bike race.
  6. Printed guns getting better all the time.
  7. top 30 fail list fer that big gubmit rollout.
  8. This should be on that list perhaps.
  9. Quoth Mr Sharpton.
  10. The fruits of graft.
  11. The way this is written it seems someone things that continuous learning after school is the exception not the rule.

Things Heard: e269v2


  1. Mad skillz.
  2. Stupid administration tricks.
  3. The NSA goes into the food service industry. Maybe as a second profit center to shield themselves from budget cuts.
  4. Rules broken, confessed.
  5. An observer from a foreign planet.
  6. This reminds me of an article in last weeks science news, which is topical on its own because the the somewhat recent rise in vampire story popularity. Actual vampires (blood feeders like the bats) have to deal with two big problems, peeing and bloating (blood is high volume and very very high in water content …. actual vampire bats will urinate while feeding and are far too bloated with blood to fly afterwards. “I vant to suck your blood” loses the sex appeal when the speaker is incontinent and morbidly obese after feeding). Something to bring up with those twilight fans.
  7. Russia’s real problems.
  8. It’s not an ethical dilemma … it is clearly very very wrong … at least for Christians. Who is your neighbor?
  9. The Tomb Raider reboot makes sense. This, not so much.
  10. Prohibition and a progressive trifecta.
  11. It’s so good to see modern beltway progressives are fully supportive of populism.
  12. Parsing Mr Scalia on the Devil.

Things Heard: e268v1

Wooo. I’m home.

  1. Weeping because one didn’t read enough marks the serious bookworm.
  2. A question asked.
  3. Neo-Keynesian economics and inflation.
  4. “Needs more churn” sounds like a call for mass firings. So, the government shutdown is a good thing … providing they are let go not just furloughed.
  5. More churn.
  6. B/P on debt ceilings here and here.
  7. Beauty and death (HT).
  8. Scare quotes.
  9. Theology and song.
  10. On sin and repentance.
  11. Talk radio not appreciated. Who knew talking about sports sports sports 24/7 was so charged?
  12. Questioning whether said fallacy is actually fallacious.
  13. Debt.

Things Heard: e278v2


  1. Apparently the county is having an existential crises. Hyperbole anyone? And no, if you think Obamacare is a existential crises, that’s hyperbole too … it just a big step in the wrong direction.
  2. Leftist forever, doing well for them, eh?
  3. Not naughty, stupid. Hello, neither side is “giving anything up” that’s the impasse.
  4. The problematic essence of the Obamacare.
  5. Another view.
  6. Writings of the hymns.
  7. Hack your car.
  8. Confusion … a more everyday useful purpose to put this is using the non sequitur to stop young children to stop crying.
  9. Street gangs and facebook.
  10. Stock exchange analysis and climate.
  11. What your library dreams of at night.

Things Heard: e278v1

So … government shuts down tomorrow … my prediction is few will notice.

  1. Seeing small things.
  2. Leaks.
  3. Unimpressed by the hostage/terror rhetoric coming from the left.
  4. Fer your book inbox.
  5. And cinema!
  6. The standard model and a small crack. Perhaps.
  7. I’m not getting it. Let’s see, abortion makes women “equal to men” in that that can walk away from pregnancy. A man walking away is horrible. How is making it the same for women a good idea by permitting her to kill her child a necessary right?
  8. Fear and anger. That’s akin to the mythical “fear” that Obamacare might succeed scares the GOP. Uhm. Who? Who!? Every single person on the right I’ve ever talked to fears it will screw up the country. This other thing is just plain made up.
  9. More terror in Africa.
  10. Evil.
  11. Two hunger strikes.
  12. Uhm, duh.
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