Monday, December 9th, 2013 at 10:22 pm
- David, err, Jonathan and Goliath.
- Uhm, I say it all the time. Apparently I’m not “men”.
- Not incorrect, not misleading, … a lie.
- Judo with the liberal correctness enforcer.
- Or you could just recall details of the life of the actual St. Nicholas of Myra.
- Whe “throw the bums out” becomes the sole objective.
- Natalie Cole and the test tube.
- Disposing of nuttery on both sides with respect to Mr Mandela. If you ask me, he was a prophet (which occupation has nothing to do with prediction of future, but has everything to do with upsetting applecarts and pointing out flaws in the status quo).
- Sarin and Syria … was it another Benghazi mythmaking exercise?
- Doc Smith.
- A problem looming for Obamacare?
- Speech, freedom and the law.
An amusing list
Some weeks ago, I noticed someone (on a blog) wondering what comics might be made into movies that might work but which haven’t. I’ve a few suggestions
Monday, December 2nd, 2013 at 8:36 pm
Ok. Thanksgiving in the bag.
- In other news, mixing heroin and meth still bad too.
- “not many decades ago …. ” and they were right too.
- The more you know, the worse it looks. Apparently.
- Some vocals worth your time.
- More here.
- There may be good arguments against materialism, but those aren’t them.
- The “three” things it needs? How about “not being a hoax?” As a better reason than those three.
- I see. It’s not “if you like your plan you can keep it” … What he meant to seay was “if you don’t like our plan, you’re screwed.”
- Defining “fixing” down. So a billion dollars to a no-bid friend’s company … that went well, eh?
- Humor.
- It’s always the quiet creeps that you have to watch out for … or how geology imitates child sex abuse, eh?
- Hobby Lobby vs Ms Obamacare.
- Heh.
- Why would he say that? For the same reason Pauline Cael wondered at the Reagan electoral victory.
- Nork.
Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 at 2:43 pm
Well, I’m exercising again (too much work for quite a bit there). It would feel better if I wasn’t so horribly out of shape. … Links?
- Tools for staying in power, kind of like suborning the IRS to harass opposition groups. Makes you feel good doesn’t it.
- More not-feel-so-good news about our government “for and by the people”.
- Obamacare, bending that cost curve … since 2003, err, wait!?
- Fertilizer pollutants and a possible solution.
- This is making the rounds. I don’t understand very well his objection. Legal != moral. Do what is right and let the cards fall. What else can/should a man do but that?
- This too is making the rounds. Looks like lying and playing the victim card scored the liar thousands of dollars and some fame and notoriety. Yet another strikeout for the (liberal) press.
- Way way better than pigs in space.
- A non-mistake by the Administration. Heck, even a stopped watch is right twice (or once depending) a day.
- Synchronization.
- Mona Lisa re-imagined.
- Mr Matthews backhand criticism of the President.
- A debated noted.
- For those who think there are no non-religious arguments against SSM. Think again.
- Mr Thomas in a heartbeat.
Monday, November 25th, 2013 at 10:55 am
Yo. No excuses this week. I’m home and I’m off work.
- Obamacare satire (HT).
- Less humor, more insight on Obamacare here.
- ROTFL, geesh. Maybe he’s right, it’s not about ideology it’s about inclusion in the “Democrat team”.
- GQ skewers Obama for the Holidays.
- Ten points to consider when thinking about immigration. Look carefully at #1 if you think “open borders” is anything but a joke.
- 2nd Amendment and knives.
- America, where if it’s really weird, we will build it.
- Remember carbon credits.
- Smelling a rat.
- Zoom.
- Progressive taxation.
- I disagree. You’re both being racist. A good definition of racism is using race as a criteria where it is unwarranted. You aren’t being “tribal” unless you are part of that tribe. If you are using color of skin to judge suitability for a job, that is racist whether you decide to give the job or withhold it on that basis.
- Curious chemistry.
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Quite busy busy busy, ’tis the season I guess. How about you?
- Intrusions of sorts. To what end? I understand why Google or Target wants to know lots about you, … to sell you stuff and make money. Why does the state want to know? Perhaps the critical question is what reasons for wanting to know are valid and what are not? I suspect, like what constitutes a right left and right will not come to easy agreement on that question.
- To that point? 100% free and voluntary, yah, right.
- National character and pride of place demonstrated. Rightly it seems too.
- Woodland creatures prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
- Cutlery for the season.
- UN treaty trumps local laws? Hmmm.
- Remember those remarks in September about security and the government health insurance exchanges …
- Discovery!
- A contrast.
- Setting the mood.
- Whose money was spent, eh?
- Wow. Serious mad skillz.
Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 at 8:50 pm
Day off yesterday, but work slammed in during the evening … and no workout no posting.
- By whose standard is “it crappy”. Not yours, theirs.
- Liberal bias and media.
- You won’t lose your doctor, oh, wait .. she did.
- Ms Ensler’s little play rebounds.
- Unregulated. Alas, there is no middle road. I’d suggest for all drugs and herbs, regulation and certification be voluntary. The cost of regulation would be countered by the sales perk of noting that you are regulated. I’d continue with a rejoinder that the typical FDA drug regulation level (the highest level of regulation) indemnify you from tort.
- My thought was “sounds like a straw” .. which is probably not proper.
- Tightly and loosely coupled and stability.
- Guess I won’t be retiring to Alaska.
- Global warming increasing violent weather … which if true means we aren’t experiencing global warming.
- I do like her music.
- A cricket race.
- So, do you want to terrify your wife or girlfriend.
- A book noted.
- The IRS thang resurfaces.
- Another book noted (which I bought and started reading). (HT)
- And I’m ashamed to say I’ve never seen this movie.
- Now there’s a plan … that hasn’t exactly considered elections.