Mark O. Archives

Things Heard: e268v1

August continues, in a few weeks #1 daughter will give college the old college try.

  1. Teleos and man.
  2. Sodding Sod?
  3. Obamacare consequences.
  4. In a post on implicit bias … not noticing other implicit biases, like that women in philosophy (and in academia in general) are likely more common than conservatives.
  5. Oh. Yech. Yech, yech, blech. Don’t even think of the word smell when you read that.
  6. In the news.
  7. Obama’s government, standing firm against equal protection, wasn’t always that way though.
  8. Advice for the week.
  9. An application of the above.
  10. Of God and man.
  11. It’s not working, so keep it up, eh?

Things Heard: e267n3n4

Good day … in pairs.

  1. Questioning premises, public education (here too). Here’s a hypothesis, public support for education should be weighted by measurable talents demonstrated by the child.
  2. There’s a good idea and a reading suggestion.
  3. A thought to gnaw upon … and some more to get grumpy ’bout.
  4. Noble savage … not exactly … and a better microscope.
  5. Various thoughts … and (nothing).
  6. don’t think that’s true … and sharing life with introverts.
  7. More than meta-data … and (nothing).
  8. The mid-East and … pipelines.
  9. Well, yes, but we are also basically evil at heart (remember the “line between” quote) … and prosecution for what?
  10. Memories of the past in these waning Weiner days (recall Ms L is in her 40s now) … and apparently order matters in the acquisition of dogs and kids.

OK then. Enjoy

Things Heard: e267v1n2


  1. Feminism ala Rome.
  2. Not a quiet ride.
  3. How the Vickie’s live (differently).
  4. On altruism.
  5. Cinema. And … I wonder if it’s less a “strength” vs timescale thing here, that temptations work on a fast timescale, while the other two take  commensurate (slower) times to work.
  6. Zuperman.
  7. Scandal and the treasury.
  8. Looks like that’s in the “doesn’t work yet” category.
  9. Whence went shame?
  10. I’m missing the reason why that’s awful.
  11. Sort of binary sandpiles.
  12. Detroit … although how many of the 25 apply just as well to other urban centers?
  13. Advice for your booklist inbox.
  14. One left wing radical unashamed of her bigotry.
  15. So do you think he’s guilty or just a dupe?

Things Heard: e266v4

Good, well, evening

  1. Well, students of politics (not theology), might point out that is obvious, central and government power has been steadily on the rise again since, well, Rome fell (further reading: Bertrand de Jouvenel “On Power“, which is a good book if you prefer the sort that encourages you to stop every page or so and ponder what you’ve just read).
  2. It is, admittedly, easier to see other’s blind spots than your own.
  3. Dead man walking perhaps not so dead.
  4. Storage hints.
  5. Interesting, but translate that to the beltway and BS …. yikes.
  6. Talking virtue again.
  7. Not a neo-nazi skinhead.
  8. Lessons from the liberal press on how not to retract.
  9. When putting a blog post “unclear on the concept” normally one should try to refer to something other than yourself. To whit “more likely” has very little to the running of one experiment. When I roll a die, I am more likely to roll a number of spots greater than 2 than I am a number less than or equal to two. That I did roll a die and get a one (and therefore have 100% chance I did roll a 1 is not relevant to the prior probability estimate). Mr Schilling, it is alas, you who are unclear on the concept.
  10. Evil witches.

Things Heard: e266v3

Good … well, whatever. Links?

  1. career suggested.
  2. Or … addicts don’t stop being addicted after public exposure . Surprise, well, not exactly.
  3. This brings to mind the science fiction-like novel I’be been plugging, in its consderation of hate. The novel Vita Nostra ultimately connects note hate but the conjunction of love and fear in the context of education.
  4. Irony in recent Obamacare moves, in which Mr Obama’s very likely Constitutional unilateral decision to not enforce a law is ratified by the House and a veto is threatened.
  5. Small mammal with impressive spine strength noted.
  6. Arrest? That seems extreme if was an emergency thing or in a very rural area.
  7. Pacifism and cinema.
  8. Grist for the “if he was a black man shooting a white one (hispanic?)” things would have turned out differently mill.
  9. He blinded me with science.
  10. Things to appall JSM.
  11. Ya think there’s some backstory/history going on behind there?
  12. Headline stating the obvious.
  13. Oh, he’s likely a racist, just not in the expected way.

Things Heard: e266v2

Good morning

  1. Ice down under.
  2. Is this the “See I’m such a blatteroon that I should have been killed prior to birth” argument for abortion?
  3. Whence the Zimmerman/Martin outrage?
  4. One more on the above trial.
  5. And Mr Zimmerman back in the news.
  6. Keeping it classy in Ohio, or not.
  7. Ditto.
  8. Chicago politics norms.
  9. It’s (h) a Lucy Nation (that’s supposed to be a pun).
  10. And … its a blech response.
  11. The Apostles’ Creed for the modern liberal.
  12. Cinema.
  13. Playing games with the high speed camera.
  14. Advertising and the sublime.
  15. Reviewing drone studies.

Things Heard: e266v1

Good morning.

  1. Well, there’s an (unintended) argument for drone use.
  2. A maths trick in narrative form.
  3. About that pope fella.
  4. Cinema: Pacific Rim and a litmus test.
  5. Detroit, one in 100? The first penguin to test the waters for whales and seals?
  6. Scrubbed from Mr Obama’s past by a friendly press perhaps?
  7. Climate, crises and costs. Compare/constrast with this (and don’t ask if the climate change is just the el Nino/Nina cycle).
  8. Ah … a last line, I still think Mr Wilde’s was better (“on his deathbed reputedly he said, “Either that wallpaper goes or I go … and died.”)
  9. Manners and (just as importantly) … some interesting words I didn’t know. So now your task for the week is to use “blatteroon” in a sentence.
  10. Hmmm, I hit #1 and #4. Re #1 without the “droopy oversized” that’s regular summer wear for me and I no longer own any blue jeans having replaced them all with #4, which is all about the pockets (and not having to sit on my wallet).

Things Heard: e265v5


  1. Promises, promises … footnote clarified.
  2. (more) Detroit chapter 9 notes here (soon to be followed by Illinois and California perhaps?).
  3. The opposite of eutrapelia is …  (find out here).
  4. My wife’s patron saint noted.
  5. Sticking to the party line without thinking has consequences.
  6. Yikes.
  7. So …. the IRS scandal does reach the white house. Woops.
  8. Of nekkid and the nood.
  9. Some notes on free will from someone likely allergic to Polanyi (esp the book Personal Knowlege).
  10. So that jet setting SUV driving green activists can use even more energy zipping about the world telling us all we are horrible wasters of resources.
  11. Of feasting and fasting (although not using those words).
  12. Mr Biden skewered by his own words … compare this and this.

Things Heard: e265v3

OK ok … a little late but better than not, eh?

  1. After 5 decades … that’s likely an import, eh?
  2. Mr Obama said regarding the Zimmerman trial …. “we are a nation of laws” , which I guess falls under the “do as I say not as I do” category.
  3. Oh, and the left (ignoring the fact that “stand your ground” was actually not part of the Zimmerman defense) thinks that this case is similar to the Zimmerman one … except that it isn’t apparently. The only actual parallel might be that this case and the Zimmerman one where both non-white on non-white violence.
  4. One more on the above … and seriously … if point 8 is a problem then we don’t need a new justice system, we need a new party representing the left-of-the-aisle.
  5. Improvements when your soldiers can innovate.
  6. Arwen and the Virgin.
  7. Overseas remarks on Mr Morsi and his ousting (Hat Tip).
  8. Irony and the EPA.
  9. For the silver screen viewer.
  10. When imminent domain (or the equivalent in China) doesn’t work
  11. This might be related.
  12. Wish I was there.
  13. Character. Kinda Romans 5:3 ish, eh?
  14. Big brother and the X-One.

Things Heard: e265v1n2

OK. Back to it.

  1. A counter example for the “there are no stupid questions” hypothesis.
  2. passing noted.
  3. Academic bigotry on display.
  4. Flaming taillights … somebody needs to make that a feature not a bug.
  5. Advice for those doing civil patrols or community watch services.
  6. Lewis Carroll and CEO publicity statements.
  7. Chutzpah defined.

All about the continuing Zimmerman kerfuffle, post verdict.

  1. You can be amused by Mr Obama’s upside down metaphor (stop the tide of gun violence) … which gets it exactly backwards. You don’t want to stop a tide when it’s going the way you want, and gun violence has been dropping for two decades, i.e., the tide is receding. Apparently Mr Obama is either unaware of that or wants more violence (more stupid or evil … pick one).
  2. The Congo-Somali problem, that is that which gets press isn’t the matters which more deserve the same.
  3. Grist for the discussion.
  4. What would have happened if? Well, you wouldn’t have the President trying to influence the case to the prosecution, nor the State of Florida switching to one of their top prosecutor teams, and so on.
  5. And when what you know about Public defenders comes from Law and Order … keep quiet.
  6. Some technical notes on self defense law.

Things Heard: e264v4n5

OK then.

  1. Better late than never (… is that Shakespeare too?).
  2. Journalism, moving into used car salesman and politician territory.
  3. Flap flap.
  4. Police misconduct (or not) and the Bill of Rights.
  5. lot more impressive 3d printing project than crappy single shot pistols.
  6. Sorry, I’d agree most of the time it isn’t a disease.
  7. Virtue.
  8. Not getting the dilemma here.
  9. Failure modes will be so incredibly impressive … which is just one more reason to build it, eh?
  10. Pride of place is a common trait, lots of southerners have conflicted feelings about the Civil War. So what?
  11. I’ll bet Mr Begin had no public criticism of Ms Clinton’s Senate run. Hmm.
  12. Faith, prison and healing.
  13. A progression, which follows alongside a reduction in gun violence nationwide during the same period.
  14. The world and abortion.
  15. cool toy.
  16. Yikes or idiots abounding.

Things Heard: e264v3

Good morning.

  1. (said in growly voice) “Grrr… killn’s too good fer em
  2. Variants of bike.
  3. Kinda a straw man … nobody’s arguing against discrimination, just that there are unwarranted basis for the same, such as the left’s insistence that discrimination based on race is warranted (or their even less logical insistence that once one agrees that race/gender are a valid criteria at which point apparently the specifics of the criteria are the loci of their dispute, i.e., their religious beliefs are OK but yours are not).
  4. Heh.
  5. Hacking and damages.
  6. Not an accident … so was it a green terrorist or a for-the-pipeline terrorist? Which dya think?
  7. Well, yes it was. So? All those drone attacks on neutral nations are also acts of war. We do it all the time.
  8. Murdering, uhm, princesses?
  9. Mr Obama and Being There.
  10. “every child is subject” … huh? Doesn’t that sentence imply the speaker thinks every child has been abused? And seriously, “gosh, let’s troll the nearby trailer park for our nanny.” I realize former Presidents liked to troll trailer parks for date prospects but really … the things people do to avoid raising their own children.

Things Heard: e264v2


  1. Markets for everything or is it the other way around?
  2. A taste of the descent.
  3. FISA and adversary … mark and remark. Seems to me ripe for regulatory capture … but that might be better than than the alternative.
  4. Skewering the Times for its racism vis a vis the Zimmerman trial, here and here.
  5. News and Mr Gore’s board seat.
  6. Bazinga.
  7. Liberal notions of penal practice applied.
  8. Mr Reid gives advice while failing to notice he never follows same.
  9. Liberte, egalite and envy.
  10. record of sorts.
  11. A likely omission noted.
  12. I’d suspect the effect is unlikely to be that noticeable this soon.

Things Heard: e264v1

Morning (still)

  1. test passed.
  2. The tour recap on the first rest day.
  3. Geeky jokes.
  4. Yikes.
  5. Bender in real life.
  6. Judge not lest
  7. “the parallels are very different“. Heh.
  8. Getting to the “bottom” of sex harassment in the military.
  9. The other side of relaxing gun control.
  10. A plug for gen 4 nuclear power, eh?
  11. How not to defend abortion.

Things Heard: e263v3

My parents arrive this afternoon from New Jersey …. but in the meantime, links?

  1. The notion that the delay is about anything but votes is hard to imagine. Kinda like imagining an honest politician, eh?
  2. not impressed movie review.
  3. protest.
  4. I understand “it’s all about the bike” … but really … it isn’t. Speaking about “the bike”.
  5. Middle class and market democracy … chicken and egg.
  6. Those vanishing bears.
  7. Lighting tech and green energy.
  8. Tips for the ammo buyer.
  9. Some book suggestions for your summer reading. I should make a list like this.
  10. Oooh, someone say “open borders” … so they can be mocked for their stupidity.
  11. Where to follow the Zimmerman trial if you are so inclined.
  12. More climate model watching.
  13. Bones.
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