Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 at 9:19 pm
On to the business at hand …
- Your tax dollars at work … OK. probably not your tax dollars but somebodies. Golly, gubmit sure is silly.
- Ooh, surprise, taxes going up is the “hidden” plan.
- Better than raising taxes any day of the week.
- Which is another reason why not to do this.
- A prediction made.
- Another.
- Hollywood and the musical.
- Remember this.
- Not alone in that confusion.
- Despicable? or just ordinary ho hum?
- What if you didn’t kill him, just put a round in a lung? That’ll usually take the vim and vigor out of a guy.
This week has been crazy. The hotel web site crawls (which I can access at night). I’m with only sketchy phone service, no data, and no network all day. Odd doing that during a non-vacation day.
Thursday, April 18th, 2013 at 11:37 am
So it goes.
- Once allies, no longer?
- For your inner cowboy. Or outer?
- Texas, apparently jealous of Boston has to do “it” bigger. Somebody should tell them Texans that when it comes to bad things, bigger is not actually better.
- Gun control and the reasonable middle.
- Zoom.
- Some bomb tech information.
- When the “sharks” are making a marginal profit … seems to me that they are not actually sharks.
- In which “can’t” means “won’t” … and 7 of the murder charges remember are for killing “accidentally not killed” late term abortions … an issue for which Obama voted to kill ’em anyhow in Illinois.
Gee I thought I had more saved. …. ah well.
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 9:11 pm
Well I’ve come to a point where I’ve been far enough from the abortion debate, which the Philadelphia kerfuffle has brought back to the front burner, that I feel I can’t muster a coherent argument for abortion at all. So, what I’m going to try to do here is mention the two or three points/arguments that I know for that case and see if anyone out there can fill in the gaps or offer argument not mentioned that are stronger. Read the rest of this entry
Monday, April 15th, 2013 at 8:41 am
Good morning.
- Some SSM thoughts from First Things.
- Zoning laws meet the green movement.
- Bad arguments meets hypocrisy. Let’s see “background checks” … would not have stopped any of the recent events but are necessary and … “didn’t read the bill” was exactly the Pelosi statement regarding AFA which at the time was just fine. Wonder when he’ll cite the Democrat representative who didn’t realized magazines used in pistols were reusable when citing ignorance.
- Just remember, background checks would (not have) fixed this either.
- Remembering Thatcher from the UK(raine).
- Commandments and Scripture … are not deontology.
- The perils of education.
- Drones.
- Just remember, this is an incentive to save more, not less.
- Yer homework.
- A photographer captures the perfect image for April 15th. Your government and you, a relationship in pictures.
Well, the Gosnell kerfuffle is in the news.
- Dachau’s neighbors and what they knew.
- NAF?
- Bias in media. I did see an amusing turnabout on this. One “feminist” wrote an article about this guy 2 years ago, which apparently means that the feminist press has been “all over this” since the get go. Uhm, riiight. Apparently the NYTimes employes only one feminnist writer. Who knew?
- More on media.
Friday, April 5th, 2013 at 7:05 pm
Three, mark that, three in a row.
- ACA marking time.
- Obama salary stunt described.
- A brave man indeed.
- Remember Obama’s speech in Egypt, talking about Islam and religious freedom? Hmm.
- I too have the book, it has been recommended to me, but haven’t read it.
- Whose the protagonist.
- Jobs report.
- Some remarks on the Obama budget, unserious as ever.
- About that minimum productivity limit.