Links Archives

Things Heard: e284v1n2


  1. An economics question (dismal science indeed).
  2. Bike meets phone.
  3. Growing up is hard to do … apparently.
  4. An amazingly bad analogy.
  5. The right corrects the right regarding Obamacare.
  6. Gains given up. Regrets? Or not?
  7. I haven’t read the paper yet, but I suspect there’s a catch.
  8. Misunderstanding Plato noted.
  9. Guns are one thing, perhaps we need less emphasis on gun control and more on intelligence minimums for politicians.
  10. Rules like this have completely eliminted gun violence in Chicago, oh, wait.
  11. Actual science imitates 1970s Michael Moorcock  science fiction. His character Jerry Cornelius was big on optical stimulation for various effects.
  12. If something can’t continue, it won’t.
  13. Look what a little confirmation bias can get you.
  14. Relationship advice.

Things Heard: e283v4

Well, after a good almost full day of skiing … my injured knee stiffened. Kids are having a blast which is the important thing.

  1. Obamacare wins an award.
  2. And it losing (apparently) the hard left.
  3. Bio oil from a different source.
  4. Hmmm.
  5. Examining the lack-of-logic behind  the thoughts of those desiring to ban guns.
  6. A case for which shooting drones (as suggested by that Colorado town) makes perfect sense.
  7. Seems to me, when you discuss other’s sins … you should remember 1 Timothy 1:15.
  8. He’s not saying that … he’s saying higher taxes lead to greater economic growth. That’s not right, but that’s what he thinks.
  9. China, children, and economics.
  10. Climate models.
  11. Star Trek mocked.


Things Heard: e283v3

Have fun with those resolutions. (Which are so often summed up via Spike Lee’s enjoiner “Do the Right Thing”).

  1. Well, in January, it seems I’ll be following the rich and famous (that is to say having a my colon scoped). My results will not likely reported by ABC News.
  2. Without cause. Oh, goody.
  3. Good news presented as bad.
  4. On the hand, perhaps “if true” needs to be appended to the above.
  5. Father Time is a T. Rex.
  6. Who is surprised?
  7. What a perfect landing looks like.
  8. I’d share some of the other links, but my guess none of my readers would be interested in things like this.

Posting in general seems to have slowed. Have a good New Years day!

Things Heard: e283v2


  1. Hypocrite of the year award in the field of privacy law sense … voting and nominees.
  2. Resolutions and advice.
  3. World currency. Which brings to mind the classic Rocky and Bullwinkle series  of cartoons in which the world economic leaders despairing of a basis for currency settle on “box tops”, which a particular moose in the Dakotas has an abundance.
  4. Lassiz-Faire defended.
  5. A book reviewed.
  6. For the Palin fans.
  7. Mr Gandleman, showing how to jump to the wrong conclusion. This is evidence primarily of the increasing failure of scientific credibility. Exhibit A, elsewhere “climate change, formerly global warming, formerly global cooling” is another.
  8. Another NSA whistleblower.
  9. On crossing the aisle.
  10. Affluence.
  11. And … a flash mob.

Things Heard: e283v1

Yo. Links?

  1. book noted, still in my inbox.
  2. Some lessons forgotten in peacetime.
  3. Some science and short animations.
  4. Tax money wasted.
  5. An Evangelical and the East.
  6. As a Rightie who “supports” him (in the sense of don’t fire/suspend), that one supports the right of a man to say a thing doesn’t (oddly enough) mean you support what he says. That seems to be lost on the linked blogger.
  7. Some income inequality for discussion.
  8. Missing a major point, that is, the reason that civilians are being targeted it because the rebels dress like and hide among the same. War crimes beget the same, but the original crime it seems can be laid at the feet of rebels.
  9. Remember this.
  10. A meaningless statement by the Democrat organ of record noted.
  11. An elephant does the high hurdles. There’s a lesson here on government eptitude.
  12. After all, the more time a doctor spends doing paperwork/data entry the better off we’ll all be, according ACA supporters is yet another one of their non-economic economic claims. Kinda like taxes on new medical equipment development will spur the same.


Things Heard: e282v1

Well, we made it to the East coast, i.e., Jersey. Today we were doing a college tour for my youngest.

  1. I don’t get cable, but apparently there is a “reality” show about Ducks … (two remarks on that here and here). Seems to me the situation is basically as follows,  the left purports to want to enter into “conversations about race/gender/marriage”, but they really don’t. If you really want to “have a conversation” when the other side speaks their mind, you reply, you engage in conversation, you …, uhm, talk. But no. What the left does is try to shut you down and fire you. That’s not engaging in conversation, that’s naked coercion. Persuasion by force and coercion (a) doesn’t work and (b) is highly unethical. So in the absence of people like Mr Schraub and the left leading (or at least entering) the hew and cry to reverse the suspension, those on the left are left with that unfortunate choice of asking themselves, “am I stupid or evil.” (the assumption here being that attempts at persuasion by coercion is evil). The first link makes an interesting point, you can’t refuse to sell a cake based on your beliefs, but you can be fired saying what you believe, hmm.
  2. Faith and commerce.
  3. Cinema.
  4. A really bad whoops moment noted.
  5. Theotokos and Nativity.
  6. Situation and being awake.
  7. Obesity. I’ve seem some remarks about obesity and whether or not it should be treated as a disease and why we so often blame the obese for their condition. I think the salient insight on why we tend to blame the obese for their condition in the US is that those of us who are not oveweight realize how easy it would be to eat to much and not exercise. The non-obese have to work at it to stay thin, their feeling is that those who are not thin just didn’t do their due diligence and got where they were.
  8. What the administration is setting aside.
  9. A book noted.
  10. Of war and human nature.


Things Heard: e281v4

Tomorrow, train ride to East coast begins. In ze meantime … links?

  1. Trickery of the shoe varietal.
  2. From the same source, of memory, loss, and recovery.
  3. We can thank the White House for this Christmas gift.
  4. If true, amazingly stupid.
  5. Selfie … pretty close to selfish.
  6. On those manmade gasses and their effects.
  7. Fundamentalist Islam and the UK.
  8. Well, at least they can claim a better rollout than the US, that it didn’t cost $1 billion, and took less than 6 years to develop.


Things Heard: e281v3

So, recently in my attempt to back in shape, I’m trying swimming, which is new to me. I’m really (repeat) really slow (to put it pointedly, there are pool meet records posted on the wall, I can’t beat the times posted by “under 8 y/o girls” yet) … and I can’t swim very far before being winded. But I’m improving. I think I need to grow lats before the slow thing can be really solved.

  1. Not liking the Obamacare thing, the uninsured.
  2. Vulnerable?
  3. Yes, but to be honest, you have to give the Admin a bit of a break there. Those other Presidents didn’t have their projects done by no-bid contracts with their buddies company.
  4. The President’s commission reviewed the NSA procedures and made recommendations .. and he spoke as well. Remarks on that herehere and here.
  5. Ohio moves against homeschooling.
  6. Of course you can talk about it (see liberals think if you can’t talk about it, then it is evidence of bigotry).
  7. In which “a great idea” means take a bad thing and make it even worse.
  8. Make sure you are not drinking anything near a keyboard when reading this headline.
  9. Apparently athletic ability no longer a criteria in politically correct land.  After all, we wouldn’t want to judge people on ability or character …. just the color of their skin or the group to which they adhere.
  10. But I guess once you truly embrace the stupid you can’t stop.


Things Heard: e281v1n2

So, I’m figuring out my schedule as I’m kinda off this week.

  1. So, more “scientific discoveries” of the restating the obvious sort, this time from economics. The old folk saying “40 below keeps the riff raff out” from North Dakota comes to mind.
  2. Again, science restating the obvious. To get good at anything takes lots of practice. To get world-class good at something takes that plus lots of talent. Duh.
  3. Staking claims and property rights … on the moon.
  4. Woops.
  5.  A commercial noted.
  6. The global warming, err, climate change crowd are probably crowing about this (to which a reprise of their own comments on cold weather is in order) … but it’s cool anyhow.
  7. To whit.
  8. “Judge Leon” three posts, herehere and here. Unfortunately for me, the phrase “Judge Leon” brings this for me.
  9. Speaking of names and associations. Jack Bauer is in the news.
  10. You can keep your doctor, liberal New Yorker impact.
  11. Pre-game go go go (and a counter opinion). Upshot, consistency won out.
  12. You can take the gymnast out of the gym, but … you can’t take the gym out of the gymnast.
  13. Art and the ant.
  14. Of church and state.

Things Heard: e280v4

Well, I’m back in town.

  1. Belief in Santa Claus? This is really really dumb. Do people doubt that Julius Caesar existed? Do they write articles about it? Is that something that needs defending. Wiki doesn’t doubt he exists. But apparently journalists are clueless. I suppose you could wonder about the tense “exists” vs “existed” … which depends only on your faith in the Resurrection or lack thereof. But he was a historical personage of that there is basically no doubt.
  2. Youth and passing into maturity (or not).
  3. Half a point in defense of the young boy who kissed his classmates hand. Half a point for pointing out that the act was problematic. Loss of a point (or two) for not realizing the scope of the infraction was minor at best.
  4. But the victory dance was done, the web site is fixed, mission accomplished and all that. How can that be?
  5. Privacy and law.
  6. More silly science … newsflash! People with low impulse control have … (wait for it) poor impulse control.
  7. To give the same source its due … things going bang are cool right?
  8. Verse and photo.
  9. In favor of min wage increase.
  10. Not so much in favor of same.
  11. dialog.


Things Heard: e280v1



  1. David, err, Jonathan and Goliath.
  2. Uhm, I say it all the time. Apparently I’m not “men”.
  3. Not incorrect, not misleading, … a lie.
  4. Judo with the liberal correctness enforcer.
  5. Or you could just recall details of the life of the actual St. Nicholas of Myra.
  6. Whe “throw the bums out” becomes the sole objective.
  7. Natalie Cole and the test tube.
  8. Disposing of nuttery on both sides with respect to Mr Mandela. If you ask me, he was a prophet (which occupation has nothing to do with prediction of future, but has everything to do with upsetting applecarts and pointing out flaws in the status quo).
  9. Sarin and Syria … was it another Benghazi mythmaking exercise?
  10. Doc Smith.
  11. A problem looming for Obamacare?
  12. Speech, freedom and the law.

An amusing list

Some weeks ago, I noticed someone (on a blog) wondering what comics might be made into movies that might work but which haven’t. I’ve a few suggestions

Things Heard: e279v2n3

Woops. Missed one.

  1. Hollywood cougars. I’m guessing that fooled you.
  2. Most everyone will pay more and we won’t like it. It has been remarked that “the horrible web services” aren’t the problem with Obamacare. That’s right. It’s just the horrible think hiding worse things. The Democrat gambit is that you pay more and they tell you they are giving you a subsidy to help you pay for it and you won’t notice your bottom line is worse, your deductible is worse, and you are paying for coverages you don’t want. So, will the pretend subsidy blind you to the flaws? How stupid are we? Dem answer -> really stupid. Are we? Time will tell.
  3. Science, really good at noting the obvious.
  4. More importantly lying is part of the political culture.
  5. An expert on “women in the workplace” speaks, except in a short review of his career, he spent a whole year or two in the workplace in ’68 and ’69. Expert indeed.
  6. A tech review of healthcare isn’t impressed.
  7. Let’s see, the UN “is going after Assad” for war-crimes because the atrocities on both sides are rampant. If crimes are symmetric why would the justice seeking be asymmetric?
  8. The all powerful loofah.

Things Heard: e279v1


Ok. Thanksgiving in the bag.

  1. In other news, mixing heroin and meth still bad too.
  2. “not many decades ago …. ” and they were right too.
  3. The more you know, the worse it looks. Apparently.
  4. Some vocals worth your time.
  5. More here.
  6. There may be good arguments against materialism, but those aren’t them.
  7. The “three” things it needs? How about “not being a hoax?” As a better reason than those three.
  8. I see. It’s not “if you like your plan you can keep it” … What he meant to seay was “if you don’t like our plan, you’re screwed.”
  9. Defining “fixing” down. So a billion dollars to a no-bid friend’s company … that went well, eh?
  10. Humor.
  11. It’s always the quiet creeps that you have to watch out for … or how geology imitates child sex abuse, eh?
  12. Hobby Lobby vs Ms Obamacare.
  13. Heh.
  14. Why would he say that? For the same reason Pauline Cael wondered at the Reagan electoral victory.
  15. Nork.


Things Heard: e278v3


  1. And the fossil record clearly shows all those mass die offs every time the globe warmed far hotter than it is now, which it has done many times … oops, what do you mean it doesn’t? Hmm. So, then what’s the point of the article?
  2. “seems to have forgotten” moment that will likely never again be forgotten by at least one individual.
  3. Disagreeing with Aristotle (and I think the founders who I suspect agreed with Aristotle).
  4. Although I think the above post author would agree with this.
  5. So, do you agree? Was it illegal or  just unprincipled?
  6. Related to the above.
  7. Cool. (HT)
  8. And he’d be right.
  9. A certain running back, back in the news.
  10. Another person who envies the VA system.
  11. The press and a prophet.
  12. Stupid if true.
  13. Ditto.
  14. Obamacare and it’s implementation. Hypocrisy?

Things Heard: e277v2

Well, I’m exercising again (too much work for quite a bit there). It would feel better if I wasn’t so horribly out of shape.  … Links?

  1. Tools for staying in power, kind of like suborning the IRS to harass opposition groups. Makes you feel good doesn’t it.
  2. More not-feel-so-good news about our government “for and by the people”.
  3. Obamacare, bending that cost curve … since 2003, err, wait!?
  4. Fertilizer pollutants and a possible solution.
  5. This is making the rounds. I don’t understand very well his objection. Legal != moral. Do what is right and let the cards fall. What else can/should a man do but that?
  6. This too is making the rounds. Looks like lying and playing the victim card scored the liar thousands of dollars and some fame and notoriety. Yet another strikeout for the (liberal) press.
  7. Way way better than pigs in space.
  8. non-mistake by the Administration. Heck, even a stopped watch is right twice (or once depending) a day.
  9. Synchronization.
  10. Mona Lisa re-imagined.
  11. Mr Matthews backhand criticism of the President.
  12. debated noted.
  13. For those who think there are no non-religious arguments against SSM. Think again.
  14. Mr Thomas in a heartbeat.
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