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Things Heard: e277v1

Yo. No excuses this week. I’m home and I’m off work.

  1. Obamacare satire (HT).
  2. Less humor, more insight on Obamacare here.
  3. ROTFL, geesh. Maybe he’s right, it’s not about ideology it’s about inclusion in the “Democrat team”.
  4. GQ skewers Obama for the Holidays.
  5. Ten points to consider when thinking about immigration. Look carefully at #1 if you think “open borders” is anything but a joke.
  6. 2nd Amendment and knives.
  7. America, where if it’s really weird, we will build it.
  8. Remember carbon credits.
  9. Smelling a rat.
  10. Zoom.
  11. Progressive taxation.
  12. disagree. You’re both being racist. A good definition of racism is using race as a criteria where it is unwarranted. You aren’t being “tribal” unless you are part of that tribe. If you are using color of skin to judge suitability for a job, that is racist whether you decide to give the job or withhold it on that basis.
  13. Curious chemistry.

Things Heard: e276v2n3

Quite busy busy busy, ’tis the season I guess. How about you?

  1. Intrusions of sorts. To what end? I understand why Google or Target wants to know lots about you, … to sell you stuff and make money. Why does the state want to know? Perhaps the critical question is what reasons for wanting to know are valid and what are not? I suspect, like what constitutes a right left and right will not come to easy agreement on that question.
  2. To that point? 100% free and voluntary, yah, right.
  3. National character and pride of place demonstrated. Rightly it seems too.
  4. Woodland creatures prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
  5. Cutlery for the season.
  6. UN treaty trumps local laws? Hmmm.
  7. Remember those remarks in September about security and the government health insurance exchanges …
  8. Discovery!
  9. contrast.
  10. Setting the mood.
  11. Whose money was spent, eh?
  12. Wow.  Serious mad skillz.


Things Heard: e275v1


  1. Creativity in science and a reply. I’ve been reading David Bently Hart’s new book … in it he remarks that science is an ascetic discipline (mental), in which the discipline is to hold and perfect your thinking to certain methodologies. Perhaps the best way to consider creativity in science, similarly, as  constrained creative process. To narrow down further, you can make a creative chess move, but that isn’t freely open to creativity your movements and options are constrained by the rules.
  2. And here just this weekend, I was joking that if we get a new dog, we’d name him/her “lunchmeat”.
  3. Obamacare compared.
  4. Liberty for all.
  5. A search and rescue in the White House.
  6. I might have to read this to find out what “exact numerical solution” might mean.
  7. Uhm, … duh. Next on from our science reporter, the sun rises in the east and moving air is called “wind”.
  8. Categorizing the senseless.
  9. Heh.
  10. In flight repairs of a unique sort.
  11. Why are we married? A conversation.
  12. Old salty sea stories.
  13. Teaching and competition.

Things Heard: e274v4n5


  1. A legal debate noted.
  2. A legal question posed …
  3. and one remark on that front from another lawyer.
  4. Splitsville.
  5. So, there was this zebra and this donkey and they walk into a bar ….
  6. Or more likely the “core idea” is not actually a good one.
  7. Says the guy who doesn’t take raw garlic when he gets a cold.
  8. If there’s no there there, why the NDA?
  9. An extreme embarrassment for the administration and their now obvious lack of anything resembling competence.
  10. Just change the words and it’s not racism.
  11. Archaeology and spice.
  12. Logic.

Things Heard: e274v3


  1. Wooh, racism … liberal hue and cry for aff action is … curiously absent.
  2. Wealth transfer (HT).
  3. 2nd hand smoke, meet 2nd hand consent.
  4. Scary story?
  5. War on marriage, the economics front.
  6. Snuck in” … uhm, no. Yet another lie appears.
  7. “Transitioned” from the plan you like to the plan you are required to have.
  8. Remote touch.
  9. Freedom or federal healthcare, pick one. Just remember that.
  10. Slime … not the beltway variety.
  11. Coyote benefits?
  12. Intentional edit?
  13. 50k signups … in perspective.


Things Heard: e274v2

G’day again.

  1. Spot the horrible warming trend.
  2. Mr Clinton says it was a lie too. And he’s not alone. Of course that begs the question of why, unlike the rest of us, they didn’t realize it when he said it and not now.
  3. Enrollment numbers, success was 500k, got 50k … and they lied to get to arrive at 50k  … wonder how low it really was, eh?
  4. Doc Ock wasn’t a credible villain … comes to life.
  5. Advocates for any given thing often bring them to demonstrations. Liberals find that odd apparently.
  6. Servicemen drink. Who knew?
  7. Progress in peer review?
  8. No. What we need are people to look at studies (eg) which show no correlation between gun violence a gun control legislation.


Things Heard: e274v1


  1. Seems to me the logic problem (I figure about 51% btw) is that “one daughter is a girl born on Friday” doesn’t preclude the other daughter from also being a daughter born on Friday. The other child’s birth day and sex is unconstrained.  The probability any given child is born female is 51% if memory serves. (One coinflip was heads on a Monday what’s the chance that my other flip was tails?)
  2. Well, this may be a problem … but at least Mr Obama’s recent promise broken/lie isn’t at issue (after all he never promised his healthcare reforms would not cause job lose).
  3. Examining drug development.
  4. A boat and a typhoon.
  5. Bat-zappers.
  6. The car I’d really really like to own and drive when it comes out, but the boneheads in Washington most likely won’t let me.  There is no excuse for this rampant stupidity.
  7. Art meets the modern Political Correctness.
  8. The iceberg tip.
  9. A science lesson for the global warming alarmists (and those think any science is settled on either side).


Things Heard: e273v1n2

Day off yesterday, but work slammed in during the evening … and no workout no posting.

  1. By whose standard is “it crappy”. Not yours, theirs.
  2. Liberal bias and media.
  3. You won’t lose your doctor, oh, wait .. she did.
  4. Ms Ensler’s little play rebounds.
  5. Unregulated. Alas, there is no middle road. I’d suggest for all drugs and herbs, regulation and certification be voluntary. The cost of regulation would be countered by the sales perk of noting that you are regulated. I’d continue with a rejoinder that the typical FDA drug regulation level (the highest level of regulation) indemnify you from tort.
  6. My thought was “sounds like  a straw” .. which is probably not proper.
  7. Tightly and loosely coupled and stability.
  8. Guess I won’t be retiring to Alaska.
  9. Global warming increasing violent weather … which if true means we aren’t experiencing global warming.
  10. I do like her music.
  11. cricket race.
  12. So, do you want to terrify your wife or girlfriend.
  13. A book noted.
  14. The IRS thang resurfaces.
  15. Another book noted (which I bought and started reading). (HT)
  16. And I’m ashamed to say I’ve never seen this movie.
  17. Now there’s a plan … that hasn’t exactly considered elections.

Things Heard: e272v4

Good, err, day.

  1. For the Depends wearing vampire in your life.
  2. And speaking of Romania
  3. Halloween.
  4. Sad commentary.
  5. Ms Sebellius apparently thinks that one of the most heavily regulated industries is unregulated. What I wonder does she think a heavily regulated industry might look like? Or how she might describe an actually unregulated market.
  6. big atom.
  7. “Every good modeler” which I guess excludes the climate crowd and a lot of economists (at least who offer that the reason their model wasn’t followed was because in real life people acted irrationally).
  8. Apparently not all Democrats are willing to deny Obama’s “if you like it you can keep it” wasn’t a lie.
  9. Completely amazing. If you watch one thing on YouTube this week, make it this.
  10. Heh.
  11. I’ve described Obamacare as “moving around deck chairs on the Titanic” … here’s a similar analogy.
  12. Optimism.
  13. Cool.
  14. Celebrating the grease pen, for myself I prefer ink … except when on airplanes. Ink pens do bad things when cabin pressure changes.
  15. Bang tech.
  16. Getting closer to the next car I might buy. I’m looking for 3 digit mpg before I pull the trigger.
  17. College staff that needs to spend more time with simple arithmetic and expanding thirds as decimals.

Things Heard: e272v1


  1. So. Lie?
  2. Awesome for some, somewhat ridiculous for others.
  3. There’s gold in them thar hills, which is the crux of the problem.
  4. Privacy.
  5. Skill and tech.
  6. Progress, not.
  7. It may be a design flaw, but it’s also a design requirement because the designers can’t allow the average person to see how much of a better break others … and how to game his own response to get the same break.
  8. ‘Cause it’s important we screen Ms Merkel’s calls for her connections to terrorist cells.
  9. No lions, not problem … apparently.
  10. I sincerely hope that ‘s a typo. The quote “page 230 … of a speech” should never be seen. Nobody should talk for 230 pages straight. Ever.
  11. In the real world, when experiment fails to be in accordance with theory, the theory is suspect. In the dismal science, it’s not so.
  12. Yet another climate prediction (more and bigger large storms) falls by the wayside.
  13. Someone fails to realize “rewards spending” is not the principal function of the bank.

Moving on (ward)

  1. Gosh, the distinction of are you a “body with a soul” or a “soul with a body” seems to me a lot like is “that a particle or a wave”. Why isn’t both the default answer?
  2. Obfuscating the young.
  3. From an IT perspective,
  4. Sounds like interface problems galore.
  5. A core liberal fallacy along the lines of “if we all just talked about stuff and emphathized more” there’d never be war and conflict rears its head. Sorry, you can be as reasonable and empathetic as you want … Hitler (or Stalin or the modern equivalent) won’t.
  6. Not understanding the whole public servant thing apparently.
  7. Geesh, I’m in my 50s. I thought that would be my likely retirement age, my kids .. who knows. Probably 80 or 90, eh?
  8. Cinema.
  9. Heh.
  10. An essay, the like of which we should probably see more. We fear death because we avoid it or is it the other way around?

Things Heard: e271v3


  1. Cancer.
  2. A chant at a sporting event.
  3. Property rights and theology.
  4. They don’t just try to turn elections by biasing their audits. They also lie and cheat.
  5. Seems like the last sentence of the first paragraph says, “and you should ignore this paper.”
  6. A problem for the left.
  7. A year of living dangerously? Or a lifetime?
  8. Small screen and large screen.
  9. Another small screen suggestion here.
  10. I’m not buying the freedom of speech thing. Lots of employment options limit speech. If you want a job with the restrictions then live by the restrictions.
  11. Drones.
  12. Heh.
  13. Foreign policy reboot.
  14. Naked! (SFW)

Nuff said, err, linked.

Things Heard: e271v2


  1. The (unintentional?) parody Obama created (or approved) returns to haunt.
  2. ATF in the news.
  3. My suggestion was indulgences.
  4. Pedagogy.
  5. An account of an Evangelical who crossed the Tiber.
  6. Hollywood Austin, apparently channels Bronte instead of being faith to Jane.
  7. Two women named Martha.
  8. Is it an order of magnitude or just half of that?
  9. More than what? Not a good description. Some of the more colorful terms from Heartbreak Ridge come to mind.
  10. So, was Mr Obama ignorant or lying?
  11. How about Mr Krugman?
  12. Democrat (not) keeping it classy. That’s gotta be embarrassing.
  13. Employment, actually when I read this my first thought was, those people with those figures, my wife has raised our kids for almost two decades. I’d say she’s been gainfully employed the entire time. Would they?
  14. My curiosity is piqued.

Things Heard: e271v1

Good, well, whatever.

  1. Peter principle in practice.
  2. Baby Bunting Boo-boo. My view is that the Son will judge and he will judge rightly, which is enough for me. How he will judge? Dunno.
  3. My faith teaches the Christian life is summed up in the goal of acquisition of the Holy Spirit … how that figures into this little phrase … I don’t know. Which is your first clue that it is heading in the wrong direction.
  4. Geeky game for girls (and boys).
  5. Making equines to elephants has nothing to do with these two notions of equality and opportunity.
  6. Race.
  7. Failure.
  8. demographic question.
  9. Putting global warming in historical context.
  10. film.
  11. Fast.
  12. Markets in everything.
  13. Geometry and the bulb.
  14. Heh.

Things Heard: e270v5

Good morning.

  1. A non-cowboy (or a man who’s word is not trusted) in charge and consequences.
  2. Faith and unbelief.
  3. WWII memorial shutdowns and a photo-essay. Apparently manning barricades was less expensive than janitorial services. I’m not convinced.
  4. Milk now costs more than gasoline, a facet to consider when reading this quote on price indices and inflation.
  5. “Great news”.
  6. Debt and the rolling pin.
  7. Apparently “millenials” all either live in cities with awesome mass transit or are unemployed …  or perhaps only those polled.
  8. A smarter, uhm, land-mine of sorts.
  9. I’d like to hear those advocates of affirmative action in schooling explain the need for capping Asian student populations. ‘Cause you know, Asians run everything in this country, look at how they dominate everything in the beltway and wall street.
  10. Rape. Meet not-Rape.
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